[soc.religion.christian] Salvation Not Needed?

SECBH@cunyvm.bitnet (10/07/90)

[In a discussion about aliens, Mike Gobbi compared them to Indians
and other groups who came to hear about the Gospel.  
>They were just as saved by Christ's actions as the
>Jews, unawareness of the incident notwithstanding.  Similarly, any
>extraterrestrial beings would have been saved by Jesus' sacrifice 
>despite the fact >that they have never heard of him (or even of humanity...)

I find this a very curious statement.  Saved from what?  It was my
understanding that the entire human race was considered to be in
need of saving because of the transgression of Adam and Eve, the
primal parents of all.

But unless extra-terrestials were descended from Adam and Eve, why
would they be in need of saving?  What indication is there in the
Christian scriptures that the mission of Jesus is applicable anywhere
else than on this planet?

For me the more interesting speculation would be what the impact on
humans (at least Christian humans) would be if we came in contact with
extra-terrestials who were not stained by original sin.  Humans
might find that they are the spiritual low-lifes of the universe.
Jack Carroll         Somewhere, beyond both space and time,
<SECBH@CUNYVM>       Is wetter water, slimier slime...
                     And in that heaven of all their wish
                     There shall be no more land, say fish.

                                               Rupert Brooke

farkas%qual@sun.com (Frank Farkas) (10/19/90)

Would like to comment regarding a few things which were posted under the
subject of "Extra-terrestial worlds":

The term "sons of God" used in the Bible refer to those who were the elect
of God, who were obiedient to the commandments. Just as today, those who
follow christ are called the sons of God.

In Genesis the episode deals with the "sons of God" who have decided to
marry outside of their faith.

There is a reference in Job to the "sons of God" before the foundation
of the earth was laid (prior to the creation). These were the spirit
children of God who were faithful and obedient, who were waiting to
receive their physical bodies. This passage deals with the preexistence.
Job 38:4&7
"Where was thou when I laid the foundations of the earth? declare, if thou 
hast undestanding."

"When the morning stars sang together, and all the sons of God shouted for 

I don't believe that the interpretation of Genesis that Adam blaimed Eve
is correct. God asked him what happened and he responded accurately when
he said the following:

Genesis 3:12
"And the man said, The woman whom thou gavest to be with me, she gave me of 
the tree, and I did eat.

Adam freely admited that he did eat of the fruit. The passage "The woman 
whom thou gavest to be with me, she gave me of the tree" is a key perhaps
to understand Adam's motivation why he took the fruit from Eve and why he
ate it. Adam and Eve were commanded to multiply, and Adam knew that Eve was
going to be cast out of the garden, and he would have been separated from
Eve. For better or worse, Adam made a conscious decision. This is the
reason why Paul wrote that the the woman was deceived, but the man was not.

Some has raised the question about what would happen if persons from 
another planet, who were not fallen, would meet with us. I don't
know the answer the the question, however, we do know that God did appear 
to some. We also know that "angels" did appear to some also. I know for
sure at least that God is not a fallen beeing. 

It is true that the Bible is largely the story of our planate and our own
self. However, we at least have some indication that there are more than 
one world which was created. What ever the word world means (planet, 
universe, etc).

Hebrews 1:2
"...whom he hath appointed heir of all things, by whom also he made the 

With brotherly love,
