[soc.religion.christian] 1975 and the Witnesses

gfs@uunet.uu.net (Greg Shay) (11/17/90)

Peace and Greetings,

	Allow me add another story to the tale of 1975 from my personal
	I was a Jehovah's Witness from the age of 3 to 23 (from 1964 to 1984).
Baptized in 1975 at the tender age of 14, I led a devoted life, spent
many hours
going from door to door every month, participated in the ministry
school,  and was
an active and participating member of the congregation.
	To tell the end of the story first, I am now Roman Catholic, and have
been since 1985.  Let me tell you, that was quite a transition to make!  The
priest giving the RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) classes said
that he had had many people from many backgrounds, but that I was his first
	It is totally in my heart to never wield my knowledge backwards and
attack that which I used to be a part of.  I give credit to my dad and the
Witness training for a lot of good training, decent living, and knowledge of
the Bible.  What I reached was a plateau in the Witnesses system of thought,
I tasted some of more classic theology, and wanted to learn the other side of
the arguments too.  Low and behold, given the information as to what the
believe, and what more mainstream religions believe stripped of the
wrapper that I had previously been presented, and add the one most important
ingredient, honest prayer,  I made a clear decision to leave the Witnesses and
join the Catholic Church. 
	In my experience, I found that about 85% of my faith, meaning those things
that I truely believed in, did not have to change in making the transition.  
Now I ask you, if two churches that are about as opposed as can be, only differ
by 15% in the heart, should not the emphasis be put on mutual understanding and
	You see, I could not stay part of the Witness` organization because they
indeed have some serious, very serious flaws in their theology and
Every organization made up of men has flaws.  Do they admit that?  The
Bible and Tract Society does not about itself.  As a Witness, you do not think
idependently, ever.  You do not question seriously, ever.  Everything is handed
down from above in the publications.  But what about the promptings of the Holy
Spirit to our hearts?  What about the personal relationship with our Lord and 
Master, Jesus Christ, that He may prompt us to say, do, speak on his behalf?
The witnesses have a close personal relationship with the Watchtower Society.
Somewhere along the line, the individual lost his most highly valued Christian
Birthright, the personal relationship FOR REAL with God.  This fact is most
evidently demonstrated in the way the witnesses celebrate what they call 
"The Lords Evening Meal", and what Catholics call "Mass".  Once a year, on the
anniversary of the passover, it is the most important event in the witnesses 
year because of the direct command from Jesus to "Do this often in rememberance
of me."  All the witnesses gather, the bread is broken, wine poured, prayers
are said over these, scriptures read, and then is passed around to everyone 
and not a single person takes any bit of it.  No one takes the body and blood
of Christ. Why?  Because according to their theology, only the "144,000 of the
anointed class" are supposed to partake of our Lord.  By the reasoning upon
reasoning, they have managed to somehow explain away the most
fundamental point.
	If there are any Jehovah's Witnesses reading this now, and I know there
will be some, ask yourself the most honest question you can, do you not
desire to
come closer to Jehovah God?  Does not your heart burn to be in union with him?
Do not let anyone tell you that God is far away, or off in the future.  God is
real.  Now.  Here.  Love God.   Get to know Him and you will Love Him with the
divine Love.  Get to know that the Holy Spirit is real.  Powerful.  Active.
We can have the Holy Spirit act through us, be in us.  Now, Today, not sometime
in the future in the New System of Things.  Christ`s work was completed with
his death.  We are living in the benefits of what He did for us.  Take this
for yourself.  Do not let anyone deprive you of it.  Above all else, Pray.
True prayer from the heart  will  change  your  life.  Believe my testimony.
Pray and don't repeat prayers that others have said.  Pray and don't repeat
phrases and ideas that were given to you.  Pray honestly and earnestly.  Pray
and ask God through his Holy Spirit to help you be sure of your love for Him.
Pray and ask God to draw you closer to Him.  Pray and tell God you love Him and
that you want to Love Him more, and open yourself to what He does in your life.

Do not be afraid.  You will not lose Jehovah God if you leave the Witnesses.
Catholics are "Jehovah's Witnesses" too, with respect to Isaiah`s proclaimation
"You are my witnesses, says the Lord [Yahweh, YWHW, JHVH or Jehovah]".  So are
true Godly People of other denominations.  We are all learning together.
The fact
that you are reading this open network discussion shows we are growing
hand in hand helping one another.  Think of the 12 year old Jesus
teaching in the
Temple. On that day, had I been alive, I would have wanted to be Jewish, to be
able to have been in the Temple with Him, and hear Him teach.  Wherever God is,
I seek to draw near.

	And now on to the 1975 story.  My father was devout and read every word
of every book ever published by the Witnesses.  He would find nuances written
that others would not find on casual reading.  My father was convinced that the
Society had proclaimed 1975 would be Armageddon.  I remember as early as
1972 my
father making statements like "This will be the last Christmas, because
will be so bad by next year [due to the Great Tribulation], that people
will not
be celebrating it".  The next year he said the same thing.  In 1973 we sold our
house and began renting.  The money from the house sale allowed my father to 
not work for about a year and a half as he worked full time "missionary work"
(being a "Full Time Pioneer" in JW lingo) in northeast Ohio where we live
and down to southern Ohio where there were not enough witnesses to cover the
territory.  I went many times too.
	I remember quite clearly a discussion my father had on the back porch
with some of the Elders of the local congregation in 1973.  He was pointing out
how the written publication pointed to 1975 as the date.  The Elders did not
see it so plainly, and were confounded as to how if the Society really
meant it,
why did they not just come out and say it.  The specifics were in a book of
which title I cannot remember, but it would have been newly published in either
1973 or 1974.  The book showed God's plan for there to be exactly 7000 years
from Adam's creation to the end of the 1000 year reign of Christ on
earth.  (The witnesses believe that each of the creative
days in Genesis 1 are 7000 years each long.)  Armageddon would happen to usher
in the 1000 year reign.  Furthermore, the book pinned down through Bible 
chronology the date of Adam's creation to 4026 BC).  My father was
trying to use
simple algebra to point it out: "Look...  if A = 4096BC, and B= 7000 and
then B - C = 6000, and A + 6000 = 1975."  It was quite comical.  My father is
not the mathematical type, he's a landscape design and gardener, and honest to
goodness, this is the only time in my life I ever knew him to use algebra.
The Elders scratched their heads and wondered why it wasn't said more plainly.
	The 1975 incident was a split within the ranks of the witnesses even
before 1975.  There were those like my father who were really paying attention
and got the message, and then there were those who were willing to wait until 
someone hit them over the head with it.  The cruel irony of all of this is that
the ones who were paying attention were mostly the most devout of the witnesses
and it was almost like a lack of faith to not believe the 1975 date.
	Well, 1975 came and went, I don't have to tell you.  There was the
definite unsaid smugness of "I told you so" on the part of those
(including some
of the Elders) who never went along with it in the first place.  Not until
1979 was anything printed about the whole issue, when there was a Watchtower
article that basically apologized and retraced the 1975 claims.  It
admitted that
there were "elements" within the Watchtower Society that pushed "certain ideas
about 1975" that were "inappropriate".  My father saw this admission a
of his position since for the last 4 years everyone had been telling him he had
been seeing things.  Unfortunately, even the retraction was given less than
prominent attention, tucked away in a Watchtower study one Sunday.  Around
then, 1980, there was a big schizm up at the Society's headquarters in New York
City and one of the "Governing Body",  was kicked out.  Made Time or Newsweek
as I recall.  Seems there was a political cleaning house at the top in 1979.
As I said above, all organizations of men will have problems.  As a Catholic,
I feel I know much more about the Vatican, what it is for, why it exists, how
does it run, then I ever knew about the "Governing Body" when I was a witness.

	Well, that's my 1975 story.  Hope it sheds some light from an inside 
point of view.

	When I was a child, I was taught that the Jehovah's Witnesses were the
only true religion, and every other religion was false and hated by God,
and the
people would be killed when Christ came.  Further, I was taught that ALL OTHER
RELIGIONS believed the same thing about themselves, i.e. that they each
were the
only true religion.
	Then I was tought, there can only be one true religion, right?  How many
religions do you think there are in Heaven?  Right, one.  And which one is it?
It must be the Jehovah's Witnesses, since they are the only ones who teach the
Truth about the Bible.

	This is one of the great lies.  All other religions DO NOT believe they
are the only true religion that has an exclusive claim to God.  

	I could write volumes about my Christian journey, for it has been an
unusual one.  I thank God every day for keeping me in his hand, and I thank God
for the many good people who prayed for me while I was undergoing the difficult
transition.  You see, it has not been without it price.  I am officially
"disfellowshipped" from the Witnesses organization, which is why my father and
may sister will no longer talk to me or visit, or allow me to visit.  My father
has a 3 year old granddaughter and 1 year old grandson he does not know beyond
name.  The witnesses demand that there is no association whatsoever, social,
family, or otherwise, this is there official rule.  And my crime?  Apostasy.
I became Catholic.   Makes you wonder about their claim to being Christian
doesn't it?  But I do not judge, I pray.  The last time my father talked to me
he said "If you are right, then I will see you in Heaven, but not before.
If I am right, this is it."  Well, I pray for him and for all the other 
witnesses and ex-witnesses to seek God.  Seek God alone.

Thank you for hearing me out....

My Faith life has been a wonder the past year.  My advice, in a word, discover
Medjegore.  Right now, today, on this Earth, a miracle is happening.  It has
touched me and has the power to touch and renew the whole world.  I will share
something very special with you all.  While praying and studying the
messages given by God through Mary at Medjegore, the concern on my mind
was just how can
anything done make any difference at all in this world where so many men hate
and kill and there is so much corruption.  I testify that I was given this
message by the Holy Spirit:

"Your Father will create love."

And I understood two meanings in this message.  The first is focussed on the 
word "create", that God is performing miracles in this, our day and age.  In
supernatural fashion, He creates love where there is none in the hearts of men.
As God created light from darkness and life from lifelessness, He can and will
create Love where there is none, and will transform this world full of evil
into a world full of good.  This is the sum total message of Medjegore, and it
is in progress right now.

The other meaning in the message focusses on the word "will".  It is the
will to create love.  We pray in the Lord's prayer, "Your will be done on Earth
as it is in Heaven."  God's will is many things.  We seek his will, to be in
union with it whenever possible.  We can rest in the truth that this new
of Love in the world his His Will.  What God wills, comes to pass.

Sincerely, in Christ,

Greg Shay