(Gene Gross) (12/12/90)
Many years ago, I was the assistant director of an outreach mission ministry in a major city in Florida. In addition to the storefront mission, we also ran a home for young men who had come to Christ but had no where to go. One evening as we sat around singing Christmas carols and hymns, one of the young lads began to stare at the decorated tree. I watched him wondering what was going through his mind. Finally, during a lull in the singing, he turned and looked at me and the director and said, "He really did come didn't He!?" I nodded. Then he began to cry and said softly, "I'm so glad." I wish for each of you a similar experience this Christmas time. May the reality of His advent be for you as real as it was for that young man. And may His presence abide with you now and always. Yours in Christ, Gene Gross