[net.music] ::::WAR OF THE WORLDS

hofmann@AMSAA.ARPA (08/12/85)

From: Jim Hofmann <hofmann@AMSAA.ARPA>

> From: gitpyr!royt@topaz.arpa (Roy M. Turner)
> Subject: Re: War of the Worlds
> Date: 5 Aug 85 00:56:16 GMT

Hi Roy.  Thanks for helping Jeff out.

To keep a discussion that has become basically one about music, I'll
not post this to sf-lovers rather you get this nice letter.

I believe the discussion was on War of the Worlds by Jeff Wayne.

You say:
> One of the people featured on the album (and I admit to being in the
> same category as your roommates, as I liked the album a lot...still,
> having no taste beats being a snob...(-: ) was from the Moody
> Blues...I will submit that they were a good group, of some little
> fame...

Weell, you submit wrong.  Sure, they were great in 60's but hey Roy-Boy
those days are long gone!  Tell me that disco-synth that characterizes 
their last efforts ( and I say efforts very loosely ) is good and I've
got some land in Central Park you might want to check out.

> > [ I'm talking about real music - punk ]

>  Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha...ahem, excuse me...that is the reaction
> I sometimes get when people mention that euphemism for noise...(see?
> two can be snobs!!)

Yezzzz, Pure NOISE>  Obnoxious noise meant to alert nerds to the fact that
they're being used and screwed by those in power.  ( How's your AI
project going??? | - ( Beats a droning Richard Burton ANYDAY!!!!  

> >The reason you can't find it in a record collector
> >store is because record collectors have good taste!

> Must be why I always see all those Barry Manilow and Ed Ames records
> at record collectors...and I always thought one reason you couldn't
>< find something at a collectors was because 1) people liked the thing
> and didn't sell it to collectors, or 2) people bought the thing as
> soon as the collector got it in...

Maybe you hang out at the wrong collectors stores, Roy.  We got some
good ones down here in Maryland.

> ...and nice flaming back at you, Jim.  Now go back and finish
> listening to the Sex Pistols...

Hey Roy, hope that I don't shock you but the Sex Pistols are long gone.
I reccommend YOU try listening to some Reagan Youth or Meat Puppets or
Black Flag.  Oh, and try reading the words, the urgency presented might
convince you that anything less  than 'obnoxious noise' would wreck
the feeling conveyed by the lyrics.  Meat Puppets are kinda soft, but
take it easy on Reagan Youth, they may make you think.

> (And yes, I *am* in a nasty mood as I write this...you would be too
> if you had to go work on an AI project when the weather was nice
> outside!! (-: )

I wouln't know about weather.  I try not to see the sun if I can.  But
I got a great moonlight tan.  Hope you're thinking about who and what
your AI project might affect if any greedy motherfucker gets his slimey
hands on it. Remember the Manhatten Project!!!

Oh and watch who you're calling a music snob.  I listen to anything at
least twice before making snap judgements as to what I like.  I've 
even listened to disco to see if there was anything redeeming.  There
wasn't until ... later.
				Jim Hofmann

PS Screw it, Roy. I'll post it to net.music ..