davidbu@loowit.wr.tek.com (David E. Buxton) (01/24/91)
On the topic of Faith and Works there have been a number of discussions on who is doing the works - Jesus or me. And how these works are to be performed - attempting to earn salvation vs because we love Him. On the topic of conquering sin an apt illustration comes to mind from a few years ago. A hypnotist places his 'victim' under hypnosis and under his spell tells his 'victim' that he will not be able to lift the spoon that is place on the table in front of him. He is encouraged to reach out and try. Sure enough, the spoon cannot be lifted. Christians are taught that we are powerless to conquer sin and to do good works that are genuine. We are taught that we cannot keep the law in a truely loving way. That is what the Bible teaches. The Bible also teaches that there is power in the gospel. That the spell of Satan's hypnosis can be broken. Let us not deny this power of the gospel. Let us not be like those "having a form of godliness but denying its power. . . . ." (Tim 3:5 ). The story of Peter in Matthew 14:25-32 is worth considering. Peter had enough faith in the power of Jesus to be able to step over the side of the boat secure in the knowledge that he would not sink. Peter did walk on the water. But then his faith falters and he does sink. He crys out "Lord save me. Immediately Jesus reached out his hand and caught him". Don't let Satan hypnotise you into paralysis. Don't let the knowledge that you alone cannot do it leave you powerless. It is faith in Jesus that makes it possible to leap over the side of the boat and conquer sin. And if our faith falters it is Jesus that we should turn to. Having the courage and the faith to do something does not mean that we do it in our own strength or that we deserve any credit for it. Without Jesus, Peter could not have walked on the water. But yes, Peter did walk on the water. Peter did have enough faith. Peter knew Jesus well enough to know that jumping overboard would not result in a drowning. Somehow we must balance the fact that we have to get up on our feet and act with the fact that the power is not in ourselves. We must place our faith in him rather in our own abilities and then step forward with confidence. Some texts worth studying in this context: Deu 6:5-7; 10:12,13;; Deut 30:6; 1 Kings 8:58; Ps. 19:7; 27:14; 51:10; 119:105,165; Prov. 3:1,5,6; 23:7; Jer. 13:23; Ez. 18:31:32; 36:26,27; Dan. 1:8; Zech. 4:6; Matt. 1:21; 6:24; 7:7; 1 Cor. 15:21; Rom. 6:1-7,14,15,23; 8:6-10,13-14, 36-39; 12:1,2;13:9,10; 1 Cor. 9:25-27; 10:13; Gal. 2:20; 5:6,13,14; Eph 2:8-10; 6:10-18; Phil. 4:13; Heb. 10:24; James 1:25; 2:14; 4:7,8; 2 Peter 2:9,10; 3:9,17,18; 1 John 3:9,10,22-24; 5:18; Rev. 3:20. Friend, Dave