/*\/*\/*\/*\/*\/*\/*\/*\/*\/*\/*\/*\/*\/*\/*\/*\/*\/*\/*\/*\/*\/*\/*\/* Wake up and read your bible Many of the letters and the coments that are the news list under religion are comment from mans understanding. This thousand year kingdom that yous so called readers of the bible claim to be don't read with understanding. If you all followed the teachings from Hal Lindsey you should know that it all got started about this secert rapture teaching from Marget McDonald in 1830 through a prophecy she claimed came from God. Jesus himself said that he would be with the church to the very end of the age. Matt 28:20 "and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age."(NIV) In Acts 3:21 tells us that Jesus will remain in Heaven until God restores all things. The thousand years in revelation 20 is the period of the church inwhich the Gospel will be preached to all the earth. For understanding of the expression thousand you should look to the bible in Exodus 20:6 or Psalm 50:9-10 this does not exclude the thousand and first generation or the cattle on the thousand and first hill it show God's complete authority in this matters. If Hal Lindsey and the followers of that school of thought really look at the bible to see what they where saying they would fill that they make Jesus out to be a liar. Another example is they claim that God will reestablish the old covenant with Israel. How can this be Jesus said in Matt 5:17-18 that he came to fulfill them. Jesus also said "it is finished" in John 19:30 I believe he did fulfill all the requirements of the law. Paul when writing to the church in Rome says that Jesus is the end of the law. Rom 10:4 Also the verses in Hebrews 8:13 says the old covenant is aging and will disappear. At the time of Jesus' second coming that it that all He wrote some will be with him for all eternity and some won't. Read Daniel 11:40-12:2 That the final conflict before Jesus returns and believe me the war right now makes me think we could be closer than we wish to think about. Joel A. Haynes 15700 Valleyview Dr. Marysville, Oh 43040 513-644-5450