(Gene Gross) (03/01/91)
I've gotten a query about performing plays as part of church service. Let me first say that I don't see drama as replacing the sound preaching of the pastor. However, there is much to recommend having plays, short or long, as a part of church service. Jesus often used highly dramatic stories to illustrate the truths He was trying to communicate. I've known some preachers who could tell a story to illustrate their points in a sermon that would leave you on the edge of the pew. Drama, skits and longer plays, do the same thing. They present a Biblical truth in a way that 1) has instant appeal to worshippers of all ages, 2) effectively leads the congregation to evaluate their own relationship to the events portrayed, 3) is easily understood and remembered, 4) brings variety to the worship service, 5) gives more members of the church a way of participating in the service and mission of the church. Having been in many Christian plays over the past 12 years, I can tell you that it is not only fun, but more importantly, it is satisfying to see people respond to the Gospel as a result of a play that you've been in. It has also given me the chance to explore myself and my relationship to God more through some of the characters I've played. I spent over four months learning about Peter before I played him in an Easter production on the life of Christ. Playing a blind man was one of learning to rely on someone else completely -- I had my eyes taped shut so that I couldn't peek. The yound lady playing my daughter also learned a lot. Learning to rely so totally on another for the very steps that I take was something that really communicated to me about my own walk with Christ. BTW, thanks to all who have responded with additional sources for Christian plays. Please keep them coming. I'll compose a listing and share it with anyone else interested if you'll email me. Let me close with two quotes: "Truth without love is hard. Love without truth is soft. Keep the balance. Both truth and love are necessary." John Stott "Through mass means, we are producing millions of consumers of religion, but consumers of religion are a far cry from true disciples." Mortimer Arias God bless each of you in a unique way that lets you know He is there. En Agape, Gene