[soc.religion.christian] Another view on salvation

llo@nuchat.sccsi.com (Larry Overacker) (03/01/91)

There has been a lot of discussion lately on the subject of the assurance of
salvation, once saved always saved and so on.  I used to wonder about this 
myself a great deal.  It led many friends of mine to make repeated altar
calls at churches to recommit themselves to Christ (nothing at all wrong with 
that) or to make a decision for Christ that would make up for any shortcomings
in their previous committments.  They weren't sure they were saved, even though
their church taught they were.  They always wondered if their conversion was
good enough.  That's truly an odd twist on the idea of salvation by works
or faith.  For them even faith becomes a work.

My point is, that worrying about salvation leads us to a salvation oriented
religion and life rather than a Christ centered life.  Jesus commanded us to
pick up our crosses and follow him.  That's especially good advice now during
the Great Lent, when we follow Christ on the road to Calvary.  Neither Jesus,
the Bible, the Fathers or Sacred Tradition emphasize salvation as an end in
itself, or as a prerequisite for living the Christian life.  Salvation is
an issue, for Christ provides us a very great salvation.  But he has done
that and therefore I follow him, and trust him, with all my might open to 
whatever he gives me in work and aid.  Salvation takes care of itself.
Taking up the Cross and following Christ leaves Christ at the center of our
lives, in whom we live, move, and are grounded in eternity.  Worrying about
my salvation is a self-centered egocentric form of Christianity where Christ
is not at the center.  Close, just not at the center.  Whether or not I have
eternal assurance of salvation is a moot point for me anyway.  I am saved
right now, and at every moment by the redemptory power of the mystery of
our faith: Jesus life, death and resurrection.  I trust the God who works
these wonders.  I trust God's son.  And I will live my life that way even if
God were to reveal to me that I am damned.  For there is no life any other way.
And Life with Jesus is available here and now.  Just as in the parable of the
lilies, Jesus told us not to worry about tomorrow, I believe we are not to
worry about that great tomorrow.  It's all in God's quite capable hands, and
all my worry will not bring it here one day sooner, nor will that worry for
myself bring anyone else to God.

All this aside, I'd rather be a Christian worrying about salvation, than not
a Christian at all.  I think we do waste a lot of energy and hurt ourselves
with our worries at times.

Larry Overacker
       Art is not a mirror held up to reality,
       but a hammer with which to shape it.           bertolt brecht