(Robert W. Johnson) (03/07/91)
In a series of articles I am going to present the entire Church history as phrophezied in Revelation 2:1-3:22. These verses phrophezy concerning the first Church to the last Church before the Lord returns. If you would like a list of references on Church history please send me a note. Note: This posting is very long. It will be divided into seven parts (there are epistles to seven Churches.) Each part will consist of one or more subparts. Part II of VII - Subpart 1 of 2 of Part II CHAPTER 2 III. "THE THINGS WHICH ARE" -- THE SEVEN LOCAL CHURCHES 2:1-3:22 B. Church in Symrna -- the Church under Persecution 8 And to the (1)messanger of the church in (2)Smyrna write: These things says the (3a)First and the Last, Who became (b)dead, and (4)lived again: (1) Gk. angel. (2) In greek "Smyra" means "myrrh," and myrrh in figure signifies suffering. Thus the church in Smyrna was a suffering church, signifying the church under the pesecution of the Roman Empire from the latter part of the first century to the early part of the fourth century. (3) In suffering, the church must know that the Lord is the "First and the Last," the ever-existing unchanging One. Whatever the persecuting environment may be, he remains the same; nothing can precede Him, nor can anything exist after Him. All things are within the limit of His control. (4) "Lived again" means resurrection. The Lord suffered death and lived again. He entered into death, but death could not hold Him (Acts 2:24), because he is the resurrecxtion (John 11:25). The suffering church also needs to know Him as such a One that she may endure any kind of suffering. However severe the suffering, the church will still be alive. The resurrection life of Christ can endure death. (a) Rev. 1:17 (b) Rev. 1:18 9 I know your (a)tribulation and the (1b)poverty, but you are (1)rich; and the (2c)slander of those who (3)call themselves (d)Jews and are (4)not, but are a (5e)synagogue of (6f)Satan. (1) The suffering church was poor in material things, but rich in the Lord with the riches of His life. (2) the slander of the Judaizers towqrd the suffering church was their evil criticism of her. They stubbornly insisted on keeping their Judaistic system, consisting of the Leviticla priesthood, the sacrifical rituals, and the material temple, which were all types now fulfilled and replaced by Christ. Since the church under the new covenant in God's economy had no part in their religious practice, the Judaizers slandeously critized her. In principle, it is the same today, in that religious people slander the churches in the Lord's recovery, which seek the Lord and follow Him in spirit and in life and do not care for any religious system nor practice. (3) Gk. say. (4) The Judaizers were Jews in flesh, but not Jews in spirit (Rom. 2:28-29). Merely being the seed of Abraham does not constitute them true Jews. "Those who are the children of the flesh are not the children of God" (Rom.9:7-8). (5) A synagogue was a place where the Jews worshipped God mainly by studying their Scriptures, the Old Testament. However, due to their stubbornness in clinging to their tradional religious oncepts, they became one with Satan Inopposing God's way of life to fulfill His purpose. Their synagogues did this to the Lord Jesus (Matt. 12:9-14; Luke 4:28-29; John 9:22), then to the Apostles (Acts 6:9; 13:43, 45-46, 50; 14:1-2, 19; 17:1, 5-6), and now to the churches (Rev. 3:9). therefore, the Lord call them "the synagogue of Satan." Even when He was on the earth, He considered the synagogues to be of Satan, as implied in Matthew 12:25-29 and John 8:44. Apparently they were worshipping God; actually they were opposing God. They persecuted and killed God's true worshippers, yet they considered themselves to be offering service to God (John 16:2). Through all the centuries since then, religious people hae followed in their steps, persecuting the genuine seekers and followers of the Lord in spirit and life, while considering themselves to be defending the interests of God. Roman Catholicism and protestantism, as well as Judaism, all fall into this category, becoming an organization of Satan as his tool to damage God's economy. (6) Satan in Greek means adversary. He is not only the enemy of God from without, but also His adversary from within. (a) Rev. 1:9 (b) James 2:5; 2 Cor. 6:10; 8:9; cf. Rev. 3:17 (c) Matt. 5:11; 2 Cor. 6:8 (d) Rev. 3:9; Rom. 2:28 (e) Rev. 3:9; Matt. 10:17; Luke 21:12; John 16:2; Acts 6:9; 9:2; 22:19 (f) rev. 2:13, 24; 3:9; 12:9; 20:2 ----- Robert W. Johnson Computer center, The University of Turku, Turku Finland (InterNet) robert@firien.bitnet (BITNET) The preceeding is my opinion and may not express the opinion of my employer and furthermore has nothing to do with my employment.