[soc.religion.christian] OLD COVENANT == NEW COVENANT

davidbu@loowit.wr.tek.com (David E. Buxton) (04/03/91)

                                     | OLD COVENANT     | NEW COVENANT     |
| For all who obey Him               | Deut. 7:9        | Heb 5:9          |
| Also for strangers, Gentiles,      | Lev 24:22        | Gal 3:28,29      |
|    and the "nations"               | Isa 42:6; 45:22  |                  |
|                                    | Ps 67:1-7; 22:27,28                 |
| Don't add or subtract from it      | Deut. 12:32      | Heb 9:16,17      |
|                                    |                  | Gal 3:15         |
| Love your neighbor as yourself     | Lev 19:18        | Matt 22:39       |
|                                    |                  | Mark 12:33       |
| With all your heart, soul and might| Deu 6:5; 10:12,13| Mat 22:37        |
|                                    | Deut 11:13; 30:6 | Mark 11:30       |
|                                    | 2 Kings 23:3     | Luke 10:27       |
| Law to be placed in the heart      | Deut 6:5,6       | Jer 31:31-33     |
|                                    | Ps 40:8          | Heb 8:10         |
|                                    | Prov 3:1         | Rom. 2:14-16     |
|                                    |                  |                  |
| Circumcision of the Heart          | Deut 30:6        | Rom 2:28,29      |
| Forgive and remember sins no more  |2 Ch 7:14 Ps 86:5 | Jer 31:34        |
|                                    | Ez 18:21-24, 31  | Heb 8:12         |
|                                    | Ez 33:11-16      | 1 John 2:1-4     |

| Ratified by Blood                  | Ex 24:3-8        | Heb 13:20        |
|   (Blood of Ox vs Blood of Jesus)  |                  | Mat 26:28        |
| The Priesthood and System of       |Aaronic Priesthood|Jesus our H.Priest|
|    sacrifices changed              | Human Priesthood |HeavenlyPriesthood|
| The Promise of Salvation           | Promised Messiah | He Will Return!  |
| (A better promise after the Cross) |(Lamb Slain from foundation of earth)|
| In remembrance of Jesus & the Cross| (Passover)       | 1 Cor 11:26      |
| (Lord's Supper, Die Daily, Baptism)|                  | 1 Cor 15:31      |
|                                    |                  | Matt 28:19       |
|                                    |                 Rom 6:1-5; Col 2:12 |

The following topics will be posted:


  OLD COVENANT == NEW COVENANT - God's Law did not change

  OLD COVENANT == NEW COVENANT - Ishmael and Isaac

Dave (David E. Buxton)
From the Silicon RainForest of the Northwest