[soc.religion.christian] symbols od Easter for the kids

benning@iccgcc.decnet.ab.com (04/05/91)

Dear brothers and sisters in the Lord,

Here is a suggestion you can use next Easter (or any time really) with your
young family members. I read it in Disciple Journal, and tried it out on my
four year old. She loved it so much we read the "Passion" story four times,
in one afternoon, and even this week we have repeated the story.

You will need those colored plastic eggs, and find an empty egg carton.
Then, find things around the house (or buy them) that would fit into the 
eggs that are physical visual symbols of the Passion of Jesus.

I used these symbols:

COINS - Judas' betrayal
MATZAH - the bread that was broken. I also used the matzah as a symbol of
         Jesus "body" because it has no yeast (sin) it is striped (by His
         stripes we are healed) and it has  holes (he was pierced for our
         transgressions, they will look upon the one they pierced)
PAPER KISS - for when Judas betrayed Jesus with a kiss.
LEATHER SHOE LACE - for when they bind Jesus and lead Him away.
THORNS FROM A ROSE BUSH - the crown of thorns.
PURPLE SWATCH - the purple robe He wore when the solders mocked Him.
WOODEN CROSS - made from popsicle sticks
MEDICAL GAUZE - for the burial cloth

     Then the last egg is left EMPTY, because the tomb was empty.
              -------     ---------   --------------------------
Add to the story as you find symbols that will fit in the eggs.

 We read from the "Picture Bible" and at each special point, my daughter
gets to open an egg. She gets to hold it and ask questions about its
meaning. After the third time, she began telling me what the symbols mean.

I think it is a great tool to teach our kids. And they have fun learning.


 Bruce Benning

        -------------Religion may inform and reform-------------
        ----------but only Messiah Jesus can Transform----------

  Come and listen, all you who fear God; let me tell you what he has
  done for me. I cried out to him with my mouth; his praise was on my
  tongue. If I had cherished sin in my heart, the Lord would not have
  listened and heard my prayer. Praise be to God, who  has not rejected
  my prayer or withheld his love from me.
                                          [Psalm 66:16-20]