[soc.religion.christian] REQUEST: History of American Religion:

burton@.uucp (kathy burton) (04/14/91)

Hi -

     I'm posting a request on behalf of a faculty member who's getting
ready to teach a course on the history of American religion.  He's having
trouble finding a textbook that the students will enjoy.

     If you know of a good book, please send responses by e-mail to


Thanks, I'll see that he gets your responses!

Kathy Burton

[A standard recommendation on this subject is Ahlstrom's book "A
Religious History of the American People".  But it might be too much
for a textbook.  --clh]

cms@dragon (04/18/91)

[Kathy Burton asked about a text for teaching the history of American
religion. --clh]

 At Georgia State, Alpha Graphics or some similar business frequently 
publishes for professors "books" that consist of whatever materials 
the professor wants.  It's a "create-your-own-book" program.  We read 
the original writings in "American Religious Thought" from the 
Colonial Period to the modern era.  I could give you a list of the 
writings my particular professor chose, if you're interested.  As my 
high school English teacher once told me, and I'm sure she was quoting 
someone but I'm not sure who, "the original is always the best 

Cindy Smith
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