[soc.religion.christian] Anecdote

HWT@bnr.ca (H.W.) (05/07/91)

It's getting pretty serious and almost acrimonious in here, and I'd like
to try to lighten it up a notch.

Some years ago, the Society for Creative Anachronism at the University
of Toronto held its meetings in the same room as, and just after, the
Campus Crusade for Christ.  One evening, I arrived to find a friend of
mine, Ken Heaton, who is a student of Aquinas' theology, lecturing two
members of the CCC on the distinction between sufficient grace and
efficient grace.  I presume that they had asked him if he was saved.  It
was clear that they understood only two things:  a) this was something
related to religion, and b) it wasn't the way the CCC practiced

The point I want to make is that Christian fellowship, IMHO, involves
accepting that other ways are valid.  Some are comfortable in the very
intellectual discussion of grace, and some are comfortable in the
shouting of "Hallelujah".  Neither is superior, neither is inferior.
There's no need for uniformity.

"Let a thousand flowers bloom"

Henry Troup - HWT@BNR.CA (Canada) - BNR owns but does not share my