[soc.religion.christian] Re- "Christian Rock"

Kevin_Miller.D76_CENTRAL@qmgate.mitre.org (Kevin Miller) (05/13/91)

Subject:  Re: "Christian Rock"
  I was truly sorrowed by you're posting.  Please read Romans 14:1-15:13 before
  making such judgemental statements.  If the Lord has truly indicated that FOR
  YOU rock-n-roll is wrong; then, by all means, according to Matthew 5:27-30,
  dispose of your rock records, tapes, CDs and radios.  But, do not judge us
  I must also take exception to your use of some scripture passages.
  >     EZEKIEL 28:13-- ...
  This passage describes Satan AS CREATED BY GOD BEFORE HIS FALL.  It indicates
  that music is a gift from God.  This gift, like many other gifts, can be used
  to praise God (Col. 3:16 and Eph 5:19-20); or, abused for Satan's devices.
  > Remember that it was not the rocky, harsh, "Let's-Party-For-Jesus," music
  > that drove the evil spirit away from Saul, but it was David's SOFT harp
  > that made it leave (Samuel 16:23)
  This passage only indicates that it was David's music on the harp that drove
  the evil spirit away.  It does not say the music was soft, although it
  probably was.  Nor does it  that a particular instrument or music style is
  exclusively ordained or given from God.
  >   The Bible tells us NOT TO DO SO--- Luke 10:20.
  This passage is actually telling us not to glory in our dominion, as
  Christians, over the devil; but instead, to delight in our salvation unto
find it
  difficult to belive that someone who's music is as as biblical-based as
  Keith's would in any way glorify or praise the devil.  I do believe as
  Christians we are called to expose the great deceiver for what he is.  I must
  admit from what I've heard of Stryper that I do not care for their music or
  approach; but, that is only my opinion.
  > Music was NOT the means ordained by God to get people saved.  Preaching is!
  > (1Corinth. 1:21).
  Actually this passage implies quite the opposite in the sense that preaching
  through man's wisdom/ foolishness has saved nobody and that salvation is from
  God according to our belief.  However, I do agree, contrary to most CCM
  proponents, that music's primary, but not only, purpose is praise (Col. 3:16
  >  "Christian" Rock & Roll is NOT a narrow gate. Millions follow.
  > (see Matthew 7:13-14)
  Is CCM bigger than secular rock?  The fact that few find the narrow gate is
  not due to it's 'size' or God's design, but rather due to man's refusal to
  follow God.
  You do have some points regarding the "worldliness" of CCM; but, I firmly
  believe that no musical style is inherently evil or satanic.  I find many
  songs by many CCM artists to be uplifting in terms of praising the Lord, and
  challenging through the presentation of biblical truths and their application
  to this world.
  "There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus,
  because through Christ Jesus the law of the Spirit of life set me free from
  the law of sin and death"  Romans 8:1,2
    Date:5/6/91     Kevin Miller
                    The MITRE Corporation
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    Time:2:44 PM