[soc.religion.christian] More World Prayer

irani@brahms.udel.edu (Jennifer Irani) (05/03/91)

	The following are updated prayer requests for the persecuted
church world-wide from Open Doors ministry.

SUDAN:  Pray for opportunities to reach out to the oppressed Christians
	in Sudan, who are continually confronted with a militant form of
	Islam fundamentalism, which is supported by the Sudanese government.

	Pray for Pastor Mattaboush who has been sentenced to thirty years
	imprisonment.  Pray that Open Doors will be able to contact him   
	and that his case will be reviewed.

EGYPT:  Pray for the three Egyptian brothers in prison:  Mohammed, Mustafa
   	and Hassan.  On February 11 they were sentenced to 45 days more in
	prison, so pray that they will have been released.  Pray that their
	bodies and minds will not suffer from the torture.  Pray also for
	Pastor Menes 'Abdul Noor of Cairo, who is fighting for the men and
	now may be under threat.

Maghreb Countries of TUNESIA:
	Despite an article in th Constitution of Tunesia guaranteeing
	freedom of religion, pressure upon the small Christian community
	is increasing.  Local authorities (policemen, the city council, etc)
	feel more and more free to intimidate the believers.  Pray for
	wisdom, strength and comfort.

	There are no church buildings in Tunesia.  Native believers must
	secretly meet in homes. Pray for protection.  An additional
	problem is the isolation of believers, who are scattered over a
	large area and cannot meet easily.  Pray for the possibility to
	encourage one another.

	[The Maghreb countries are the Islamic states in the northwest
	Africa--Morocco, Algeria, Tunesia, and Mauritania.]

NOTE:  The three egyptian prisoners were sentenced to 45 more days in
	prison on March 28, their supposed date of release.

"For the eyes of the Lord range throughout the earth to strengthen those
whose hearts are fully committed to Him."  2 Chronicles 16:9

Jennifer Irani

irani@brahms.udel.edu (Jennifer Irani) (05/14/91)

	The country where the Apostle Paul founded so many churches had
a large Christian minority for many centuries after the rise of Islam.
As late as the 1920s, its capital was 80% Christian.  Today, barely
3,000 Greek Orthodox communicants remain in this city of six million.
	In the eastern part of Turkey, whole areas were once dominated
by Assyrian and Armenian Christians.  Between one and two million 
Armenians were slaughtered by the Turks in 1915, and many of the remaining
Christians are so persecuted that they emigrate--or convert to Islam.
	Pray for that there would be a revival in this country and that
the Holy Spirit would boldly empower the Christians there to do the    
Lord's work.

	Praise God that the government of Estonia has officially asked
the churches in this Soviet republic to pray for their country and     
people, understanding that only God can help them.

	Pray that the film "Jesus" will be freely shown without interference
in the Muslim areas of the Soviet Union.  Word has reached Open Doors that
Muslim protests in Uzbekistan, USSR, caused authorities to stop the showing
of the film.

	The situation for Christians here is reasonable, although they
comprise only five percent of the population.  The country is extremely
poor, however, and young poeple leave if they are able.  One youth leader
said that he doesn't ask young Christians IF they are going to America,
but WHEN they are going.  Pray that God would instill a vision within 
these young Christians to reach their country and sacrifice for Him.

	The above praises and prayer requests were once again taken
from the Open Doors newsletter (May 1991).

Jennifer Irani