(Jonggu Moon [890911]) (05/22/91)
I heard in the news that a Christian group got a court order to force doctors to reattatch a food tube to a person in a coma, against the wishes of the person's relatives and a previous court ruling. Did not St. Stephan embrace death willingly ? Did not St. Paul look forward to his own death ? It would kill me to know that during a state of coma/brain-death, I was causing the emotional trauma and financial bankrupcy of my family. That after working my fingers to the bone for every penny for my children's future and my wife's retirement, all those savings were being bled away on some machine because I had a 0.001% chance of recovery. What makes me so secial that I should be kept in a meat room while millions of other fathers have died simply because they weren't as rich as I was ? If it was God's intention to keep me alive, then no army of assasins could kill me. And if it's God's wish to let me die then I don't want to delay my entry into heaven for even a second. Someone show me Biblical references for pro and con to Euthenasia. - jon