[soc.religion.christian] RESPECT and FAITH - ACTING is BELIEVING!

spetter@uunet.uu.net (Scott Spetter) (06/05/91)

In following this thread, I got kind of concerned with all the "theories"
about what I thought, or did.  I'd like to cut through some of this, and
get to the heart of the manner.

First of all, several posters who disagree with me have suggested that 
I rejected Judiasm because I did not understand it.  This is totally
false.  I do understand it, quite well, and have chosen not to accept
it in the form that some others have.  
Unlike science, faith requires a priori knowledge about what is right
and wrong for the individual, and I KNOW that Jesus is right for me.
When we say that God created man in his image, we say that God gave
man the freedom to choose to align himself with God, or turn his
back on the Lord.  Indeed, this is the quality that men have that
makes them reflect God in their composition.

When we discuss God, all of us should discuss things as what is
PROBABLY right, for this IS strictly an affair of the heart.  I say
this fully KNOWING the reality of Jesus, having SEEN his goodness,
and praying to him daily.  I also know that your reality is as real
to you as mine is to me.  That is why mutual respect is essential if
we are to learn from one another, rather than just insult others.
Where I have slipped (and I know that at times I have), and been 
offensive I apologize.  But stating
my beliefs is neither sad nor wrong, for they are mine, and are 
therefore valid because I believe them, no matter how much you see
things diffently.

The reason I bring all this up is because rather than theorize about ME,
I would ask other posters to just ask.  As those who have politeley
written to me will verify, I will gladly respond to a poster, even if 
our viewpoints are very different.  I just don't (and won't) get into
flame wars.  (I invite those who have been having a friendly exchange
with me to echo this.)

James asked why he had no heard from any Orthodox Jews who had become
Christians.  What you need to realize is that a lot of people don't dare
to come forward and say what they believe over the net, due to the 
terrorism that is practiced here by some of the more "devout" thought
police.  People tried to get me in trouble with my employer for what
I posted, and I know that others have been reported to the ADL and
state prosecutor offices as "NeoNazi's."  I have been corresponding 
with several people who are now afraid to come forward.  It disgusts
me how vile some of the "religious" fringe elements are, but folks 
they do walk among us!

Then people got in to a discussion about low IQ.  I'm not sure if these
folks were trying to imply that I'm not to bright, but I'd like to
clarify that one right here and now.  I completed my college studies
at Northwestern University in 3 years, was a Westinghouse Honors List
winner while in high school, had 3 technical reports published while
working for IBM, and currently teach bible study as part of my very
active role in my church.  This does not mean that I can compete with
Einstein, but I hope none of the Orthdoxy is under the impression I
wouldn't be so foolish if I were brighter.  Folks, you really can 
understand Judiasm and still disagree with some of its teachings!

As for all the people who are sad about one another, that's fine and
good, but I'm not sad about any of this.  For me, anyone who keeps
the voice of God close to their heart has to have a pretty bright
future, regardless of where it is that God leads them.  For me, I
know that I would burn in Hell if I rejected Jesus, because I KNOW
him.  For everyone else, I cannot know what God will do, for he alone
judges all.  I do have faith in his mercy, AND his sense of justice.
If some of you do hear HIS call, and still turn your back, I assure 
you that your fate will be sealed if you do not change your ways.
In other words, I just ask you to be true to yourself, and thus true
to God.

Some have asked about DOING God's work as opposed to just believing
in him.  Well, if you look at pertienent sections of the bible, such as
Matthew 16:27 and Revelation 14, you will see that faith does require
doing God's bidding, and God's command is LOVE.  One of the people
writing to me put it very well.  For us, God's commands are written
not as much in his book as they are on our hearts.  If I believe in 
everything described in the Bible, but do not love my enemies, 
nor share the Good News, my faith is not complete!

As for the question of relevancy to scj, I feel my message is very relevant, 
because the mesage I offer applies very well.  
Whether you are Jewish, Moslem, Christian, Hindu, or anything else, be
a TRUE believer, and LIVE in what you believe.
Living the word is the central message of
all the great rabbi's, including Jesus himself. Should we do any less?

Peace be with you all,


Scott J. Spetter - IBM Release Engineer

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