(callen roy) (06/10/91)
This is part 2 on the Judgement. God's Multiple Remedies to the sin problem During the brief years of His mission, Jesus was moved by one overriding desire: to reveal to a darkend world the light of truth about His 'Father'. With godly exasperation, He chided His disciples for failing to see that His life was a revelation of the 'Father' (John 14:7-11). More than 227 times in John's Gospel alone, Jesus makes specific references to the 'Father'. Indeed, the key to eternal life itself is in knowing the 'Father' as revealed in the life of Jesus (John 17:3). 'O righteous Father,' Jesus cries out, 'the world has not known thee!'(John 17:25) Jesus can think of no greater tragedy than that the One who most deserves to be known and loved has been monstrously maligned by the enemy. And so would we not expect that Jesus would want to strike right at the heart of the sin problem? Paul recognized that the best news our sin blinded mins could comprehend was 'the light of the gospel (good news) of the glory of Christ, who is the likeness of God.' (2 Corinthians 4:4) He rejoicec that God has 'shone in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the Glory of God in the Face of Jesus. (2 Corinthians 4:6). It is an unbroken theme, from Genesis to Revelation repeated hundreds of times: The knowledge of God shatters Satan's deceptive power and is the foundation for all of God's redemptive work for mankind. Indeed, the truth about our God is what wins our hearts, reconciling us to Him. In Jesus 'God was reconciling the world to himself. (2 Corinthians 5:19). God takes the initiative, God sends truth in His 'Son', who alone can fully reveal God. And the glad, free response of the now-enlightened heart is known as FAITH. Faith is a personal friendship with God, characterized by love and trust. Faith becomes more mature as one comes to know God more fully. Yet one of first truths God wishes us to know is how He views that death sentence hanging over our heads. In His own 'Son', He has borne that sentence in our place, so that we might fearlessly have the right of free acces to His presence. (John 3:16; Hebrews 10:20-22) Complete pardon, justification, forgiveness, acquittal--call it whatever we will--expresses one overpower- ing truth: past sins are no barries to present fellowship with our Lord! THAT is His SETTLED attitude toward all who have faith in Him. Not because any of us have deserved it by our performance, but because HE LOVES US! The only requirement: FAITH. Faith in a Person. Not faith in the cross, but faith in the Jesus who died on the cross and thus in the 'Father' who gave Jesus for us. (Romans 4:5, 20-22; 8:32) Faith not only changes our legal status from 'guilty' to 'innocent,' it also gives God dramatic new acces to change radically our inner selves. Just as ali]ienation from God devastated our self-worth, so now the assurance of present acceptance by God rebuilds it. The ego-centered coping mechanisms which Satan had used to control us virtually at will are now stripped of their power. Jesus' perfect love for us has cast out all fear of rejection by others.(1 John 4:18) Our deep inner need for love being daily met by our loving Saviour, we are able to turn outward and become truly loving, unselfish persons. (1 John 4:19) This growth in Christlikeness of character (which we often call sanctification) is not growth toward God's acceptance; it is growth WITHIN that acceptance. God loves us not because we are becoming more like Him; we are becoming more like Him because we ALREADY know that He loves us! (Romans 8:31-38) God's love is a changing power. Now let's examine God's remedy for the problem of our sinful flesh. True, we ill live in this sin-damaged body until death or until the moment of the second coming of Jesus, when we shall all be changed and given immortal bodies. (1 Corinthians 15:51-55) But while living in these weakened bodies, we still need not be mastered by them. As was the case with Jesus, we may join paul in saying, 'the life I now live in the flesh, I live by faith. (Galations 2:20) The enlightening, strengthening power of the Holy Spirit has set us free from the power of sinful flesh.(Romans 8:1-13) In considering the diagram below, it might be worth noting that the word 'sin' applies most appropriately to the second part--the broken faith relationship. If that problem is being solved and one is walking in faith, would it not seem strange to point to the existence of the sinful flesh and say that because it remains until the second coming one will therefore be a sinner until translation? Is 'sin a function of the mind and loyalties, or of weakened blood vessels andtired muscles? The problem RELATIOONSHIP can be fully solved in this life, even though the problem of sin-damaged flesh remains. And that is part of what Jesus came to demonstrate to us. THE SIN PROBLEM Selfish Character and Values -->--> ----------------- A New Heart Sanctification Satan's Deceptions Broken Faith Guilt: Deserving About God Relationship the Second Death ------------------ -->--> ------------- -->--->--> ----------------- Truth About God Faith: Reconciled Justification: Pardon; in Jesus' Life to God in Love Viewed as Righteous, and Death Trust and Obedience Accepted Sinful Flesh: Sin-damaged Body -->---> ----------------- GOD'S REMEDIES Controlled by the new Spirit-led Mind