[soc.religion.christian] soc.religion....

henning@acsu.buffalo.edu (Karl jam Henning) (06/11/91)

Peter Mutsaers writes:

>Susan Harwood Kaczmarczik writes:

>>Why do you think that someone who isn't following *your* path is lost?
>>Each creature has his or her own purpose on this planet, and any one
>>person's lifestyle and beliefs may not work for any one other person.

>This is your opinion which you are completely entitled to have, but
>you may have noticed that this is not talk.misc.religion, but
>soc.[religion].christian ...

That being so, is the scope of this newsgroup confined to concerns
of the social subset "xian", or does it extend to concerns about
the interrelation of that subset with the superset "society"?  It
appears to me that it (this newsgroup) encompasses both. 


Gerhard Fohler writes:

>gfs@icd.ab.com writes:

>>The May 25, 1991 message from our Lord through Mary at Medjegorje:

>May I remind you that this group is soc.religion.christian, the
>emphasis placed on _christian_!

Perhaps this newsgroup's exploration of subset "xian" could be
conducted more in a spirit of inquiry, than of denunciation?

Just some thoughts.

    "The study of crime begins with the knowledge of oneself.  All that you
     despise, all that you loathe, all that you reject, all that you condemn
     and seek to convert by punishment springs from you."  -- Henry Miller

[As far as I'm concerned that definition of the group is fairly broad,
including the relationship between Christians and both society in
general and non-Christians in specific.  My approach may be out of
date, but at one point it was considered inappropriate for a Usenet
moderator to discriminate on the basis of author's religion or other
beliefs (particularly considering that I use facilities owned by the
State of NJ).  Thus the group is defined by its topic, not its
participants' beliefs.  --clh]