[mi.wanted] Amiga 2500/30 for sale

gilgalad@caen.engin.umich.edu (Ralph Seguin) (10/17/90)

Amiga 2500/30 for sale:
-68030/68882 at 25 MHz
-4 megs of 32 bit DRAM       (5 megs total)
-1 meg of 16 bit RAM (CHIP)  (5 megs total)
-40 meg Quantum SCSI hard drive
-2091 SCSI controller with space
 for 2 additional megs 16 bit RAM
-2 AT slots, 2 XT slots, 4 Amiga slots
-NEC Multisync 3D monitor and cable
  -1024x768 analog RGB
-Applied Engineering external high density,
 1.52 meg, floppy drive
-Internal 880K floppy drive
-Mouse (of course 8-)
-DigiView (with 3.0 software)
-Audio sampler (sample up to 100 KHz with
-A few games and TONS of PD stuff (excellent)
-3 good joysticks

All components are in excellent working condition.
I would like to get $3000 for all of it.
Please contact me if you, or anybody you know may
be interested.

			Thanks, Ralph
Ralph Seguin
536 South Forest
Apartment 915
Ann Arbor, MI 48104
(313) 662-4805


gilgalad@caen.engin.umich.edu (Ralph Seguin) (11/16/90)

Amiga 2500/30 for sale:
-68030/68882 at 25 MHz
-4 megs of 32 bit DRAM       (5 megs total)
-1 meg of 16 bit RAM (CHIP)  (5 megs total)
-40 meg Quantum SCSI hard drive
-2091 SCSI controller with space for 2 additional megs 16 bit RAM
-2 AT slots, 2 XT slots, 4 Amiga slots
-NEC Multisync 3D monitor and cable
  -1024x768 analog RGB
  -.28 dot pitch
  -automatically adjusts to scan rate (multisync 8-)
  -horiz scan rates 15.5 KHz to  38 KHz (supports ECS and old modes) (autosync)
  -vertical scan rates 50 Hz to 90 Hz (autosync)
-Applied Engineering external high density,
 1.52 meg, floppy drive still on warranty
-Internal 880K floppy drive
-Mouse (of course 8-)
-10' serial cable
-Supra 2400 baud modem
-10' Parallel cable
-Panasonic KX-P1180 dot matrix printer
  -brand new.  Warranty card still blank.
  -9 pin print mechanism
  -excellent quality
  -180 CPS draft
-Audio cables
-Lattice C 5.05
-Word Perfect
  -brand new
  -registration card blank
-Superbase Personal
-688 Sub Attack
-Falcon Mission Disk
-Siege and the Sword
-Street Sports Basketball
-TONS of excellent PD and shareware stuff
-6 joysticks
-parallel port joystick adapter

All components are in excellent working condition.  I would like to
get $3600 or best offer.  Please contact me if you, or anybody
you know may be interested.

			Thanks, Ralph
Ralph Seguin			gilgalad@dip.eecs.umich.edu
536 South Forest Apt. #915	gilgalad@caen.engin.umich.edu
Ann Arbor, MI 48104		(313) 662-4805