[mi.wanted] WANTED: SCSI controller and memory for Amiga 1000

gilgalad@caen.engin.umich.edu (Ralph Seguin) (03/14/91)

Hi.  Sorry for reposting, but I still have not acquired a SCSI controller or
memory board for the Amiga 1000.  I NEED one now :)  Has anybody tried using
an AdIDE in an Amiga 1000 (I know it's not SCSI)?  Autoboot would be nice.
Has anybody had any experience with the Starblazer from MAST?  Is it out?
Does it autoboot?  Is the memory autoconfig?  Is it cheap (the memory that is)?
I also need an AUTOCONFIG memory board (2 megs would be nice).  Obviously,
said items must be conpatible.

			Thanks, Ralph

Ralph Seguin			rps@arbortext.com
536 South Forest Apt. #915	gilgalad@caen.engin.umich.edu
Ann Arbor, MI 48104		(313) 662-4805