[mi.wanted] WANTED: memory for HP9000/700

gilgalad@caen.engin.umich.edu (Ralph Seguin) (04/11/91)

Hi.  We are going to be getting an HP 9000/700 at work.  We wish to upgrade
the base memory (16 megs) to at least 32 megs and quite possibly 64 or 128
megs.  What type of memory expansion does it use?  Where can they be found
inexpensively?  Also, any SCSI-2 disk recommendations to use with it?

			Thanks, Ralph

Ralph Seguin			rps@arbortext.com
536 South Forest Apt. #915	gilgalad@zip.eecs.umich.edu
Ann Arbor, MI 48104		(313) 662-4805