[comp.mail] Trying to reach TTNS and/or PSS

rogden@uceng.UC.EDU (rob ogden) (10/08/90)

      I have a fiendishly complicated email question which I am hoping 
      someone can help me with.  There is a colleague of 
      mine in England (Ian Russell) who uses a little know network for 
      email, and I would like to be able to send stuff to him on it.  
      This is what I know:
      The network is called TTNS and his ID on it is YPL005
      This network is accessible through another network called PSS, 
      and the number of the TTNS network from PSS is 23421230021001.
      That's what I know.  Is there any way that this can be turned 
      into useful information?

      Please email any reply.

Rob Ogden
Aerospace Engineering and Engineering Mechanics, ML70
University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH 45221   513/556-3549