[comp.virus] VIRUS-L Digest V2 #118

LUKEN@IBM1.CC.Lehigh.EDU (The Moderator Kenneth R. van Wyk) (05/18/89)

VIRUS-L Digest            Wednesday, 17 May 1989       Volume 2 : Issue 118

Today's Topics:
Re: blown floppy disk (PC)
INITs and CUSTOM resources (Mac)
Re: blown floppy disk (PC)
Non Boot Disks (PC)
Virus that infect resource forks (MAC)
(From Jim Goodwin) re: Certus
Stop a BOOT loaded virus at BOOT time (PC)


Date:    Tue, 1989 May 16   18:51:40 EDT
From:    Bob Babcock   <PEPRBV@CFAAMP.HARVARD.EDU>
Subject: Re: blown floppy disk (PC)

>     I have a 5-1/4" floppy disk under examination for possible virus
>damage, and have run into an interesting problem. The disk acts like
>it is totally unformatted; neither CHKDSK, RECOVER, the Norton stuff,
>or anything else seems to be able to access it. The result of this is
>that I cannot see anything about what has happened to the disk. What I
>need is a good pd or shareware sector editor that can get at the
>absolute sectors w/o trying to read the directory

One technique I have sometimes used for data recovery is to start
out using a sector editor (PATCH is the one I usually use, but
most any should do) on an undamaged disk with the same parameters
(number of sides, sectors/track, etc.).  Once you read past the
initial sectors, swap in the damaged disk without telling the
program about it.  If you are lucky, you can just keep on
reading.  A similar swapping technique with some file copying
utilities allows copying files off a disk where the directory is

Another possibility is the Ultra Utilities.  These are an old
shareware package, I think no longer supported.  With them, you
can pick a range of track numbers, sector numbers and sides and
attempt to read them to see if anything is there.


Date:    Tue, 16 May 89 16:44:08 EDT
Subject: INITs and CUSTOM resources (Mac)

>>      ... the virus as a code resource that is preloaded to override an
>> application code resource...

If the application in question allows custom resources (i.e., custom code
supplied for a particular purpose), it could be used as a vector, but
as a single source for spread, it would not be tremendously useful.
The document in question could only spread infections if the CUST
resource was invoked, which keeps most applications from spreading it.
It might be a way that viral code could be introduced, though,
especially if the custom feature was "nice to have". This is documented
(although not from the virus standpoint) in some Tech Note or another,
titled "Getting Through CUSToms".

>INITs, cdevs, and the like are "data" files; they contain no CODE
>resources that make an application an application.  Conceivably, they
>could be used to spread a virus as the information in the
>INIT/cdev/... is executed at system startup if the file is in the
>system folder...

Correct, but I think the INIT 31 mechanism (at least in System 6.0 and
up) limits the files that are checked to those of type INIT, cdev, or
rdev, and those files are not allowed to be invisible. Most Mac viruses
(except for ANTI) try to do this to ensure they get back into RAM at
boot time. Some install the INIT resources in the System file (nVIR,
Peace); others take over legal files (Scores). INIT 29 just hits everything
in sight, depending on luck to get something appropriate in the System folder.

 --- Joe M.


Date:    Wed, 17 May 89 07:44:26 EDT
From:    Harold Pritchett <HAROLD@UGA.UGA.EDU>
Subject: Re: blown floppy disk (PC)

>Date:    Tue, 16 May 89 13:40:55 EDT
>From:    "W. K. (Bill) Gorman" <34AEJ7D@CMUVM.BITNET>
>Subject: blown floppy disk (PC)
>     I have a 5-1/4" floppy disk under examination for possible virus
>damage, and have run into an interesting problem. The disk acts like
>it is totally unformatted; neither CHKDSK, RECOVER, the Norton stuff,
>or anything else seems to be able to access it. The result of this is
>that I cannot see anything about what has happened to the disk. What I
>need is a good pd or shareware sector editor that can get at the
>absolute sectors w/o trying to read the directory (or else a
>reasonably cheap commercial one), although I am not sure that will do
>any good, since I cannot write to the disk (no, it is not write
>protected) either.

The answer here is to use Norton Utilities.  While NU will not load if
the bad disk is in the machine, It will work if you start NU with a
good disk in the drive, and then after it is initialized, put your bad
disk in and go into the sector editor.

[Ed. Norton should load with the bad disk if you use its "maintenance
mode", by entering: NU /M on the command line.  As with any sector
editor, proceed with due caution.]

Hope this helps

Harold C Pritchett         |  BITNET:  HAROLD@UGA
BITNET TechRep             |    ARPA:  harold@fevax.uga.edu
The University of Georgia  |    uucp:  gatech!ugacs!csun1!harold
Athens, GA 30602           |    fido:  1:370/16
(404) 542-3135             |     Bbs:  SYSOP at (404) 354-0817


Date:    Wed, 17 May 89 9:51:28 CDT
From:    "Len Levine" <len@evax.milw.wisc.EDU>
Subject: Non Boot Disks (PC)

Steven C. Woronick <XRAYSROK@SBCCVM.BITNET> says, in his recent

>   Stanley Fragakis suggests altering boot sectors so that the boot
>program over-writes everything in memory with F4FA, but this of course
>kills the machine, should you attempt to boot from such a disk(ette).
>So I must assume that the intention is to do this only to non-system
>diskettes which nobody in their right mind would want to boot from
>anyway (although some of us try).  Hence, the penalty for trying to
>boot a non-system diskette is no longer the usual message, but a
>(temporarily) dead computer which must be powered down and back up

The scheme would be a good one but for one problem.  The virus that it
intends to stop has already done its dirty work before the boot block
strikes.  If so, the hard disk may be already infected before the
machine halts.

An advantage of the system is that the penalty foor booting from a
data disk is increased, thus giving a greater and more strident
reminder to the user not to do this.  For this reason I would
recommend it.  It does however really smash the user who does not
fully understand the system as s/he will be sure that the symptoms are
those of a hardware problem.

+ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - +
| Leonard P. Levine               e-mail len@evax.milw.wisc.edu |
| Professor, Computer Science             Office (414) 229-5170 |
| University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee       Home   (414) 962-4719 |
| Milwaukee, WI 53201 U.S.A.              Modem  (414) 962-6228 |
+ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - +


Date:    Wed, 17 May 89 10:38:47 EDT
From:    dmg@mwunix.mitre.org
Subject: Virus that infect resource forks (MAC)

I'm confused.  I thought INIT 29 could infect the resource fork of any
file, not ANTI, but if you are certain it is the other way around, I
will not dispute you, as my knowledge of these two is not firsthand.


Date:    Wed, 17-May-89 08:08:27 PDT
From:    portal!cup.portal.com!Alan_J_Roberts@Sun.COM
Subject: (From Jim Goodwin) re: Certus

	David Zoz was not entirely correct in his comments about the
Certus program.  He did indeed help us with the initial selection for
our evaluation and I appreciate his time and efforts.  We did not,
however, consider including Certus as a recommended product.  We found
numerous serious bugs in the product and we considered it overall to
be too inflexible for the average user.  As to Dave's statement that
Certus was second only to Sentry in it's ability to detect infections,
I don't know where he obtained that information.  We performed
full-blown tests against only the five products listed in the review.
The initial selection process involved limited testing against live

	Jim Goodwin


Date:    17 May 89, 18:25:05 HMT
From:    Stanley Fragakis  <SSTU011@GRCRUN11.BITNET>
Subject: Stop a BOOT loaded virus at BOOT time (PC)

Hello net-ppl

 Those who understood my last posting will find it easy to
modify a boot sector and add the following program: (values in hex)

         Xor ax,ax
         Mov ds,ax
         Mov si,0445
         Lodsb        ;get the track
         Or al,al
         Jnz Error
         Lodsb        ;get the head
         Or al,al
         Jnz Error
         Jmp 36       *****
Error:   In al,61
         Or al,3
         Out 61,al

The first instruction is at offset 1DBh in my MSDOS 3.2 boot sector.
You should change the JMP which is at offset 0 to point to the CLD.
The *ed JMP must branch to the command the offset 0 JMP used to
branch.  Modify the boot sector using the DEBUG i.e.  Enter DEBUG,
Load the boot sector, make the changes, write sector.

How it works:
 There is a 7 byte area starting at 0:442h which contains the status
of the disk controller chip e.g. where was the last read/write Using
these information the BIOS can compute the total number of sectors
transfered from/to disk.  Location 0:445h contains the track in which
the read/write was completed, 0:446h the head value.  It should(?) be
clear what I am trying to do. It is at least logical that, right after
the BOOT sector is loaded the track we 'land on' should be 0, since
the boot sector is in track 0 and we only read 1 sector. So the byte
in 0:445h should be 0.  For the same reason the byte at 0:446h (head)
should be 0.  Every boot loaded virus (any objections ?) copies the
original BOOT sector in another part of the disk. When the virus
initialization is completed, the original BOOT is loaded and given
control.  Obviously at least 0:445h will be non-zero. The program I
suggest suspects that something is wrong, sounds the beeper and halts
the computer.  There is of course a way for a virus to bypass that
'protection'.  e.g. don't use the original boot sector at all.

If you have any questions, comments just let me know.

Stanley Fragakis, GREECE  (CSSTU011 at GRCRUN11)

PS. for the greeks: Stanley=Stelios :-)


End of VIRUS-L Digest