(Ross Greenberg) (06/09/89)
Rob, a future version of FLU_SHOT+ will be available in the next few months to a)search your hard disk (upon request) to look for strains of a virus I know about and b)remove that virus from the infected program if possible. Same thing goes for Boot Sector Viruses, too. However, since I can only program in such a manner against viruses I know of, a new virus would not be noticed or removed. Each new virus I found would require a new version of FLU_SHOT+, and (after ten versions!) I'm sure some people are looking at the incremental benefits and presuming it isn;t worth the expense in time to update. I know that I'm sorta cautious not to release trivial updates, and I presume that the majority of the other anti-virus people must have the same attitude. Ross M. Greenberg Author, FLU_SHOT+