[comp.virus] MS-Word-1.0 "crime doesn't pay" rumor???

b645zax%utarlg.decnet@utadnx.cc.utexas.edu (UTARLG::B645ZAX) (06/11/89)

Roman Olynyk (cc011054@wvmvaxa.wvnet.edu) writes:
>Also, in the subject of "Are software developers releasing viruses," I
>can add Microsoft Word... we have version 1.0 of Word at our site (if
>you can imagine that!).  If you use a good disk editor and search for
>the string "evil" you will find the text: "The tree of evil bears evil
>fruit.  Crime does not pay.  Trashing program disk..."

Can anyone verify/refute this?  Has this been seen elsewhere (perhaps
his copy is infected by an ordinary virus)?  Can anyone at Microsoft
make *objective* comments.  How about anyone with an original,
unaltered copy of MS-Word 1.0?  Please examine the disk & report the
location of the string, so others can find it.  I hope this is just a

- -David Richardson,                    The University of Texas at Arlington
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