[comp.virus] It's almost time for a change

luken@ubu.cc.lehigh.edu (Kenneth R. van Wyk) (06/15/89)

Hi all,

This week is my last week here at Lehigh.  Next week, I'll be starting
to organize things for my new job out at CMU (which I formally start
the following week - June 26).  As such, VIRUS-L/comp.virus will be
intermittent next week (read: whenever I can get to a machine, I'll
send out a digest).  Please keep the messages coming, and I'll try to
handle them as quickly as possible.

The change has made me curious about the future of VIRUS-L/comp.virus.
I will, as promised, continue to moderate, but where is the group
heading?  At the SEI, my project is very Internet related.  I'd like
to see some of the discussions here on VIRUS-L touch on network
security issues.  I'd also like to see more discussions on
non-microcomputers.  (This doesn't mean that we're abandoning micros
by any means, merely that I'd like to see the group branch into other
areas as well.)  Feel free to send comments/suggestions/gripes to me
and I'll summarize to the group or send in the individual comments.

Finally, thanks to all who sent in their support on my move!


P.S. My new e-mail address at CMU is: krvw@sei.cmu.edu.  The account
is open, so e-mail can be sent there any time.