[comp.virus] VACATION Virus Reported on INFO-VAX List

BRIAN@UC780 (Brian D. McMahon) (07/01/89)

The following recently appeared on INFO-VAX; I have no further information.
Can anyone confirm/deny/elaborate?

>Date: 26 JUN 89 22:05:24.55-GMT
>Subject: RE:       automatic mail answering service : WARNING, MAY BE VIRUS
>TAKE CARE: the program VACATION (distributed on a mailing list) is a
>potential VIRUS for ALL the people registered on this list if used
>with no modifications. It will reply to the list, so to itself...and
>so on... And you will be on vacation, so you will not stop it quickly.
>Suppose just a few people of INFO-VAX use this program, and imagine
>the disaster, because it will also reply to all the mailing send by
>all the runing copy of this monstrosity.
>Surely it was not the will of the author of VACATION, but this
>program IS A VIRUS !
>Bernard PERROT
>Institut de Physique Nucleaire
>Orsay - France -

[Ed. It appears to me to be more a case of an infinite mail loop than
anything that could be called a virus.  I frequently get messages on
VIRUS-L/comp.virus which are sent from a VACATION program (VMS or
Unix).  Since VIRUS-L is moderated, however, I merely delete the
message.  If the message goes out to the list, and the VACATION
program replies, you have an endless cycle.  Use any VACATION program
very cautiously.]

ZDEE699@ELM.CC.KCL.AC.UK (07/07/89)

In VIRUS-L Digest, Monday, 3 Jul 1989, Volume 2 : Issue 147,
Brian D. McMahon <BRIAN@UC780> writes:

>The following recently appeared on INFO-VAX; [...]
>>Date: 26 JUN 89 22:05:24.55-GMT
>>Subject: RE:       automatic mail answering service : WARNING, MAY BE VIRUS
>>TAKE CARE: the program VACATION (distributed on a mailing list) is a
>>potential VIRUS for ALL the people registered on this list if used
>>with no modifications. It will reply to the list, so to itself...and
>>so on... And you will be on vacation, so you will not stop it quickly.
>>Bernard PERROT
>>Institut de Physique Nucleaire
>>Orsay - France -

The moderator of VIRUS-L, Kenneth van Wyk answers:

>[Ed. It appears to me to be more a case of an infinite mail loop than
>anything that could be called a virus. [...]
>      If the message goes out to the list, and the VACATION
>program replies, you have an endless cycle.

    As Ken van Wyk said, this is a case of infinite mail loop. There is
probably nothing wrong with the VACATION program, and the remedy lies in the
list moderator/management's side.
    To avoid this problem of infinite mail loop when VACATION is run, or
a gateway is shutdown, many fileservers use a different address to receive
commands and to send information. So if the data is returned to the sender
(in this case the listserver), it ends-up in a different account and is NOT
sent back again.


send commands to: <NISTLIB@GOV.NIST.NCSL.CMR> and the server answers
         with id: <NISTLIBD@GOV.NIST.NCSL.CMR>
so if the data "bounces back", it is returned to the id NISTLIBD where it is
not processed again, and dies there.

send articles to: <uk-virus-l@uk.ac.hw.cs> and the distribution is
         with id: <uk-virus-l-request@uk.ac.hw.cs>

etc. etc.

The point is that for some reason (can you explain, Ken ?) bitnet
listservers use the same ID to send and receive mail.  Before VIRUS-L
was moderated, messages bouncing back from gateways were redistributed
again since the return path for bounced messages was the sender:
<VIRUS-L@LEHIIBM1.BITNET> Now, I believe that most of the time, the
messages are sent by the moderator, to the postmaster of the remote
site, who sorts-out the problem with the user on the remote computer.
But few lists are moderated, and perhaps it could be time to think
about a way to stop these loops which I agree are very irritating to
other users.

Olivier Crepin-Leblond
Computer systems & Electronics, Dept. of Elec. Engineering,
King's College London, England

|Olivier M.J. Crepin-Leblond                         | - If no-one can do it  |
|JANET   : <zdee699@uk.ac.kcl.cc.elm>                |   then do it yourself  |
|BITNET  : <zdee699%elm.cc.kcl.ac.uk@ukacrl>         | - If you can't do it,  |
|INTERNET: <zdee699%elm.cc.kcl.ac.uk@uk.ac.nsfnet-relay>| then  P A N I C ! ! |