[comp.virus] icons altered

XRJDM@SCFVM.GSFC.NASA.GOV (Joe McMahon) (07/13/89)

>Date:    Wed, 12 Jul 89 11:52:48 -0500
>From:    Lee Brannon <CCREBEL@INDST.BITNET>
>system, and I now suspect that I may have found a third...
>                                          ...My System, Finder, Clipboard
>                     and scrapbook icons have changed.
>                     Unlike the scores virus...they have changed to better
>                     drawings of the mac plus with shaded screens...

Not to worry. Sounds like someone has installed ColorFinder on your
Mac.  It just hooks the ICON-drawing trap and puts up prettier icons.
Look around in your System Folder for the ColorFinder file. You can
simply trash it if you don't like it.

 --- Joe M