[comp.virus] DEMO Software Disk Infected


A research and development lab located at Ft. Belvoir Virginia had
their PC's infected with the Jerusalem, Version B, Virus.  Further
investigation uncovered the virus entered the lab through a DEMO
software disk from ASYST Software Technologies supplied with a
IEEE-488 board from METROBYTE.  The infected program is RTDEMO2.EXE.

In a conversation with Mr. Dave Philipson from ASYST, to the best of
his knowledge, 50 to 100 copies of the infected software were
released.  The infection entered their facility through software
received from their parent company in England.

Mr. Brent Davis of METROBYTE informed me that the DEMO disk was
supplied with three (3) of their products; MBC-488, IE-488 and
UCMBC-488.  METROBYTE is in the process of contacting all purchasers
of these products.

Many thanks to Mr. John McAfee for his assistance, SCAN34 which was
used to identify the type of virus, and M-JRUSLM which was used to
eradicate the virus.

Both ASYST and METROBYTE were extremely helpfull and responded
expeditiously to the problem.  Many thanks to Mr. Brent Davis and Mr.
Dave Philipson for their action and assistance.

************** From the Desk of Mr. James M. Vavrina **************
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