[comp.virus] Kim's question concerning FATs

damon@umbc2.umbc.edu (Damon Kelley; (RJE)) (09/02/89)

In response to Kim:
    I'm no expert at MS-DOS or software-stuff, but I've been poking
around in my computer's memory long enough to believe that what you
are describing may be normal with MS-DOS.  Often I see that within
memory, data stays in its assigned spot until something moves or
writes over it.  I notice this effect with a certain software
word-processing/graphing/spreadsheet package I have.  Sometimes when I
am retreiving data with my package, I place a data disk first before
putting in the main program disk. The program needs to do something
with the disk with the main program first, so the package asks for the
main program disk.  Whe the directory pops up for the main program
disk, it shows a conglomeration of the files on the curent disk PLUS
the files that were on the removed data disk and some random garbage.
Nothing grave has happened to my files with this package (It came with
my computer.  It wasn't PD/Shareware, either.), so I feel that this
may be either a DOS bug (not writing over completely the FAT) or
something normal.  Of course, I've never really had an opportunity to
look at the directory track on any disks, so I can't confirm that this
is absolutely true.  I can find out.  Has anyone out there found mixed
FATs affecting the performance of their disks?


"Would anyone dare let me represent their views?  I think not!!!"