(David Gursky) (09/03/89)
Yes, I have heard of the "Columbus Day 'virus'". What I have heard is a pronouncement from a certain Dr. S. that this thing exists and on Friday, October 13th, this bugger is going to strike and start causing problems. IMO, this sounds suspiciously like the Jerusalem/Hebrew University virus, *at this point*. Emily Lonsford, a fellow MITRE-ite and contributor here, has meet Dr. S., and was less then impressed with him and his techniques. Of course, none of this means that this virus does not exist as a seperate strain from existing viruses. Barring independant confirmation of this virus, my opinion is that no extraordinary action is needed. [Ed. Thanks for the info - in fact, I received a number of replies about the Columbus Day virus. Most replies indicated that it was the DataCrime virus. Thanks to all those who replied!]