[comp.virus] Datacrime viruses

cpreston@Sun.COM (09/14/89)

Since there is sudden increased media attention concerning a "Columbus
Day" virus, including warnings being sent out nationwide by government
agencies, it may be time to mention again (VIRUS-L V2 #174) that the
McAfee Associates VIRUSCAN V36 does successfully locate instances of
the 1168 and 1280 (DATACRIME) virus.

In addition to detecting the apparently original versions, which format
cylinder 0 of a hard disk on or after October 13, the scan string in
VIRUSCAN will locate the same viruses with a minor change, specifically,
a different activation date.

I used the network version of VIRUSCAN on a Novell network to search
for and successfully locate a program infected with the 1168 virus.
Only those network server areas normally accessible to the person
running the program are checked, so it should be run by someone with
appropriate privileges.

The Homebase BBS number for VIRUSCAN (SCANV36.ARC) is 408-988-4004.

For those who cannot obtain a copy of VIRUSCAN,and wish to use a
program similar to Norton Utilities to search for these viruses, the
search strings used by VIRUSCAN are the following:

1168   EB00B40ECD21B4

1280   00568DB43005CD21

These identifying strings are supplied with the permission of Mr. McAfee.

Charles M. Preston                       907-344-5164
Information Integrity                    MCI Mail  214-1369
Box 240027                               BIX  cpreston
Anchorage, AK  99524                     cpreston@cup.portal.com