jwright@atanasoff.cs.iastate.edu (Jim Wright) (09/22/89)
More programs for the IBMPC anti-viral archives. columbus.arc Program to backup track zero of a hard drive and restore track zero. Meant for disaster recovery, such as that from "Columbus Day" virus. Includes source! m-3066.arc Program to repair damage due to the new "3066" virus. Checks and repairs and entire drive. Use with caution. scanres7.arc Memory resident program to check each program for viruses before it is executed. This replaces the previous release of scanres. scanv37.arc Scans hard drives or floppies for viruses. This replaces the previous release of scanv. virsimul.arc Program to simulate the non-destructive effects of various viruses. Very useful in figuring out what everyone else is talking about. COLUMBUS.ARC Save & restore track zero of hard drive. M-3066.ARC Recover from the 3066 virus. SCANRES7.ARC Resident program to detect viruses. SCANV37.ARC Scans drives and reports presence of viruses. VIRSIMUL.ARC Simulates non-destructive behavior of viruses. Jim