[comp.virus] Warning - Mac software NoteWriter infected


Forwarded warning from Info-Mac.  (Ken, if this has already appeared in a
VIRUS-L digest, please ignore.  Apologies to all if this is a duplicate!)

- - Gregg  TeHennepe        gateh@conncoll

- --- Forwarded mail from Info-Mac@sumex-aim.stanford.edu

Date: Tue, 19 Sep 89 10:46 EDT
From: <PJORGENS%COLGATEU.BITNET@forsythe.stanford.edu> (Peter Jorgensen)
Subject: WARNING NoteWriter Software Infected!

A few words of warning for potential and actual NoteWriter users.

We bought two copies of NoteWriter Software and both disks were infected with
Scores and nVir.  Attempting to install the (copyprotected) software on a Mac
II running Vaccine failed, and rendered the original unusable. The backup disk
which we ordered was also infected.

The publisher has been very unhelpful.  Their tech support doesn't know
anything about viruses, virus protection programs (like Vaccine) or most of
what else we tried to ask them.

Peter Jorgensen
Microcomputer specialist
Colgate University - Hamilton, NY 13346
AppleLink - U0523
tel - 315-824-1000 ext 742

- --- End of forwarded message from Info-Mac@sumex-aim.stanford.edu