greenber@uunet.UU.NET (Ross M. Greenberg) (10/05/89)
I wasn't too happy with the end result of what DH&S (Steve Ross works for them) produced. The invitational excluded a number of people (including me, so this might be a biased report). The only person there really familiar with the world of PC and other micro viruses was Pam Kane (Panda Systems & Dr. Panda Utilities - good stuff!). They spent a great deal of time on nomenclature. Something like two days. Very little on practical "how-to's" or anything at all of a technical nature. The conclusion of the report is basically a sales-promo piece on why you should hire DH&S consultants if you have a virus problem or wish to make sure you don;t get one. I consider this mailing list *considerably* more informative, objective, and honest. Note: I ended up attending the symposium, then being asked to leave when I mentioned that it seemed inappropriate to give this little meeting any credibility when only three or four people there, out of the 50 or so who presented, had *ever* seen a virus. To be honest, I was a gate crasher. Ross M. Greenberg Author, FLU_SHOT+