[comp.virus] Virus trivia

frisk@rhi.hi.is (Fridrik Skulason) (11/11/89)

Just a few random bits of information....

        * A diskette infected with the Ohio virus will be immune to
          infection by the Brain and Den Zuk viruses, since it contains
          the signature of those two viruses.

        * The Vacsina virus can only properly infect a .COM file, so
          when it infects a .EXE file it will do so in two steps, first
          change it into a .COM file by overwriting the 4D 5A signature
          with a JMP instruction and placing a 132 byte loader program
          at the end of the file. The next time this program gets infected
          it will be infected just like any other .COM file.

        * Almost all .EXE infecting viruses place the virus code at the end
          of the infected file. One virus, sURIV 2.0 does not. It will insert
          itself just after the header of the program it infects.

And one question.. What language is "Den Zuk" ? I thought it was Dutch for
"The search", but I have been told that it is not.

- -frisk