[comp.virus] Computer Virus Catalog Index:November'89

brunnstein@rz.informatik.uni-hamburg.dbp.de (Klaus Brunnstein) (11/22/89)

The Computer Virus Catalog now classifies 45 viruses
(AMIGA:24;MSDOS:15; Atari:6). Activities are undertaken to make the
documents available via servers in different regions of the world; we
hope that we can announce such servers in the next weeks. If you wish
to receive the documents (see Index appended, with length of the
documents given) sooner, please send a short request to the author.

Klaus Brunnstein

==                     Computer Virus Catalog Index                   ==
==        Status:        November 15, 1989 (Format 1.2)               ==
==        Classified: 15 MSDOS-Viruses (MSDOSVIR.A89)                 ==
==                    24 AMIGA-Viruses (AMIGAVIR.A89)                 ==
==                     6 Atari-Viruses (ATARIVIR.A89)                 ==
== Updates   since last edition (July 31, 1989) marked: U (column 70)=U=
== Additions since last edition (July 31, 1989) marked: + (column 70)=+=
== Document MSDOSVIR.A89 contains the classifications of the          ==
== following viruses (1.138 Lines, 6.271 Words, 62 kBytes):           ==
==                                                                    ==
==  1) Autumn Leaves=Herbst="1704"=Cascade A Virus                    ==
==  2) "1701" = Cascade B = Autumn Leaves B = Herbst B Virus          ==
==  3) Bouncing Ball = Italian = Ping Pong= Turin Virus              =U=
==  4) "Friday 13th" = South African Virus                           =+=
==  5) GhostBalls Virus                                              =+=
==  6) Icelandic#1 = Disk Crunching = One-in-Ten Virus               =U=
==  7) Icelandic#2 Virus                                             =+=
==  8) Israeli = Jerusalem A Virus                                   =U=
==  9) MachoSoft Virus                                               =+=
== 10) Merritt = Alameda A = Yale Virus                               ==
== 11) Oropax = Music Virus                                           ==
== 12) Saratoga Virus                                                =+=
== 13) SHOE-B v9.0 Virus                                              ==
== 14) VACSINA Virus                                                 =+=
== 15) Vienna = Austrian = "648" Virus                               =U=
==                                                                    ==
== Remark: The following 13 MS-DOS-Viruses are presently being classi-==
== fied and will be published in the next edition (December 31,1989): ==
==   .) Brain A = Pakistani A-Virus          (Pakistani Virus Strain) ==
==   .) Datacrime I = 1168 Virus             (Datacrime Virus Strain) ==
==   .) Datacrime II = 1280 Virus            (Datacrime Virus Strain) ==
==   .) Den Zuk Virus                 (Venezuela/Search Virus Strain) ==
==   .) Lehigh Virus                                                  ==
==   .) FuManchu Virus                         (Israeli Virus Strain) ==
==   .) NewZeeland= Marijuana= Stoned Virus (NewZealand Virus Strain) ==
==   .) Pentagon Virus                                                ==
==   .) SURIV 1.01,2.01,3.00 Viruses           (Israeli Virus Strain) ==
==   .) Traceback Virus                                               ==
==   .) 405 Virus                                                     ==
== Document AMIGAVIR.A89 contains the classifications of the          ==
== following 24 viruses (2.272 Lines, 9.421 Words, 106 kBytes):       ==
==                                                                    ==
==   1) AEK-Virus = Micro-Master Virus (SCA Virus Strain)            =U=
==   2) BGS 9-Virus                                                  =+=
==   3) Byte Bandit Virus                                            =U=
==   4) Byte Bandit Plus Virus (Byte Bandit Virus Strain)            =+=
==   5) Byte Warrior#1 Virus = DASA-Virus (Byte Warrior Strain)      =U=
==   6) Disk Doctors Virus                                           =U=
==   7) Gaddafi-Virus                                                =U=
==   8) Gyros Virus                                                  =U=
==   9) IRQ-Virus                                                    =U=
==  10) LAMER (Exterminator) Virus                                   =U=
==  11) LSD Virus (SCA Virus Strain)                                 =+=
==  12) NORTH STAR I  Antivirus-Virus (NORTH STAR Virus Strain)      =U=
==  13) NORTH STAR II Antivirus-Virus (NORTH STAR Virus Strain)      =U=
==  14) Obelisk Virus                                                =U=
==  15) Paramount Virus = Byte Warrior#2 Virus (Byte Warrior Strain) =U=
==  16) Pentagon Antivirus-Virus                                     =+=
==  17) Revenge 1.2G Virus                                           =+=
==  18) SCA-Virus                                                    =U=
==  19) System Z 3.0 Antivirus-Virus (System Z Virus Strain)         =U=
==  20) System Z 4.0 Antivirus-Virus (System Z Virus Strain)         =U=
==  21) System Z 5.0 Antivirus-Virus (System Z Virus Strain)         =+=
==  22) Timebomb 1.0 Virus                                           =+=
==  23) VKill 1.0 Virus = Camouflage Virus                           =U=
==  24) WAFT-Virus                                                   =+=
==                                                                    ==
==  Remark: the following 8 AMIGA-viruses are presently analysed, clas-=
==  sified and will be published in the next edition (12/31/1989):    ==
==   .) BUTONIC 1.1 Virus                                             ==
==   .) JOSHUA Virus                                                  ==
==   .) LAMER EXTERMINATOR Virus 1.0, 2.0, 3.0                        ==
==   .) SYSTEM Z 5.1, 5.3 Virus                                       ==
==   .) WARHAWK Virus                                                 ==
== Document ATARIVIR.A89 contains the classifications of the          ==
== following 6  viruses (375 Lines, 2.045 Words, 21 kBytes):          ==
==                                                                    ==
==             1) ANTHRAX = Milzbrand Virus                          =+=
==             2) c't Virus                                           ==
==             3) Emil 1A Virus = "Virus 1A"                          ==
==             4) Emil 2A Virus = "Virus 2A" = mad Virus              ==
==             5) Mouse (Inverter) Virus                             =U=
==             6) Zimmermann-Virus                                    ==
==                                                                    ==
== Since last edition, ANTHRAX V. has been added. We have problems to ==
== get viruses, as many users wish to exchange their viruses (like    ==
== stamps) against our's, which we generally refuse: the Virus Test   ==
== Center's ethical standard says, that we do not spread viruses!     ==
== Please send infected programs without preconditions.               ==
==  For essential updates (marked "U="), we wish to thank D.Ferbrache,==
==  Y.Radai and F.Skulason for their continued help and support.      ==
==  Critical and constructive comments as well as additions are       ==
==  appreciated. Especially, descriptions of recently detected viruses =
==  will be of general interest. To receive the Virus Catalog Format, ==
==  containing entry descriptions, please contact the above address.  ==

== The Computer Virus Catalog may be copied free of charges provided  ==
== that the source is properly mentioned at any time and location     ==
== of reference.                                                      ==
==  Editor:   Virus Test Center, Faculty for Informatics              ==
==            University of Hamburg                                   ==
==            Schlueterstr. 70,  D2000 Hamburg 13, FR Germany         ==
==            Prof. Dr. Klaus Brunnstein, Simone Fischer-Huebner      ==
==            Tel: (040) 4123-4158 (KB), -4715 (SFH), -4162(Secr.)    ==
==  Email (EAN/BITNET): Brunnstein@RZ.Informatik.Uni-Hamburg.dbp.de   ==
==      This document: 117 Lines, 701 Words, 9 kBytes                 ==