[comp.virus] Relay

DOUG@YSUB.BITNET (Doug Sewell) (11/29/89)

A few problems with the idea:

1. Access: Quite a number of VIRUS-L/comp.virus readers that might
   wish to participate in an interactive conference are not members
   of the Bitnet/NetNorth/Earn network.  These people could not par-
   ticipate.  I do not know for sure if there are interactive confer-
   encing systems for usenet and internet, but I doubt it... and
   COMPU$ERVE is too expensive.

2. If all the participants were on Bitnet/NetNorth/Earn, the Relay
   network probably wouldn't cooperate - many relay sites have 'quiet
   hours' during the day, and time zone conflicts would have some
   users locked out while other users could participate.  Also, the
   relays I'm familiar with limit a channel to 8-10 participants (but
   I'm not sure if there would even be that many, and I'm not sure
   if the ones with the most to offer are on Bitnet).

It is a nice idea, though.

Doug Sewell (DOUG@YSUB.BITNET), Tech Support, Computer Center,
Youngstown State University, Youngstown,  OH 44555
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