[comp.virus] Trojan Horse Alert - Norton followup

awpieper@CRDEC4.APGEA.ARMY.MIL (Anthony W. Pieper) (11/30/89)

[Ed. From the VALERT-L mailing list.]

                              TROJAN HORSE ALERT
                         ( extracted from Info-IBMPC )

There   is a   file    going  around called    either  NORTSTOP.ZIP or
NORTSHOT.ZIP which, by  it's (sparse) documentation and  the  copyrigh
inside the EXE file, claims  to be from  Norton Computing.  Because of
the  sparse and unprofessionally presented docs,   I looked within the
EXE file and found:

The Norton Public Domain Virus Utility, PD Edition 5.50, (C)1989 Peter

     Your System has been infected  with a Christmas virus!   Selected
files were just  eliminated!  Without  these files, you might as  well
use your computer as a  damn, boat anchor!  If you  do NOT own a boat,
you may  want  to replace the files   which were just erased.   Try to
determine which files they were.  HARDY HA!  HA!  HA!  HOW DO YOU FEEL

PKUNZIP reports:

 1065  Implode    650  39%  10-04-89  12:26  9778978d --w  READ-ME.NOW
38907  Implode  30156  23%  10-02-89  11:57  c333dec0 --w  NORTSHOT.EXE
- -----          ------  ---                                 -------
39972           30806  23%                                       2

I spoke  with  Craig and Tony from Norton  Computing and it sure ain't
their's.  I DID  run McAfee's SCANV on it,  and it  came up  empty, so
either SCANV simply  can't recognize it, or  it's a prank,  but either
way, it has no business being in circulation.  Be on the look out!

     To: ALL
   Subj: Trojan Horse

    We at Peter Norton Computing would like to bring to your attention
an unauthorized trojan horse named NortStop.ZIP or NortShot.ZIP (these
files are the same).  This file was NOT produced with the knowledge or
permission of PNCI.

    This file is not a virus (it does  not infect files).  Instead, it
is  a trojan horse  (it must be run explicitly  to  cause any damage).
When run, it lists the directory and claims the  system is virus-free.
Between December 24th and December 31st, however, it will  erase files
in several directories based on their extensions.

    These   files can be   recognized by their  sizes (NortStop.ZIP is
31744 bytes, NortStop.EXE is 38907 bytes), or  by doing  a text search
for the strings "NORTSHOT.EXE" in the ZIP, "Norton Public" in the EXE.

    If you find or hear of these files,  please contact us immediately
through Tony McNamara, 213/319-2076 (voice), TMCNAMARA 381-9188 (MCI),
or CompuServe (72477,2504).

    Again,   these files are in no   way associated with PNCI.  Please
help us track down and eliminate these files.

    Thank you,
        Peter Norton

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