[comp.virus] Viruses and Anti-Semitism...

dmg@lid.mitre.org (David Gursky) (12/03/89)

I could not help but notice that the lastest version of nVIR adds new
resources called "JUDE".  Furthermore, the virus was reported by the
folks over in Switzerland, where German is widely spoken.  Jude is
German for "Jew".  Call me paranoid, but could there be some

My personal suspicion is that this clone was created by some
anti-semitic group in Germany (which is unfortunately seeing a rise in
anti-semitic acts, as is this country), and that the virus simply made
its way into Switzerland.

johnsonr@ncar.UCAR.EDU (JOHNSON RICHARD J) (12/05/89)

dmg@lid.mitre.org (David Gursky) writes:
>I could not help but notice that the lastest version of nVIR adds new
>resources called "JUDE".  ...  Jude is
>German for "Jew".  Call me paranoid, but could there be some
>My personal suspicion is that this clone was created by some
>anti-semitic group in Germany...

Well, my personal opinion is that someone used a random name generator
to pick a four character resource type.  Then again, it could be a
virus from the depths of the USSR's intelligence community, released
to sow dissension among groups in W. Europe and distract them from the
momentous events in E. Europe.  What use is speculation, though?

When someone catches the "author" of this latest nVIR clone, I think
the first question he or she will be asked by the tabloid reporters
is, "Was the virus a feeble attempt at an anti-semitic statement?"
Until then, I'll stick to the random name "theory."

| Richard Johnson                           johnsonr@spot.colorado.edu |
|    CSC doesn't necessarily share my opinions, but is welcome to.     |
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