[comp.virus] Preventative measure for DIR exec?

CHESS@YKTVMV.BITNET (David.M..Chess) (12/13/89)

Lee Miller (Gonzo) <LPM102@PSUVM.PSU.EDU> writes:
>                                ... could use the touch exec and module
> available from the listserver at BLEKUL11 to change the time date of
> your files...
> Thus before running any exec that you don't know what it
> it you change all time dates to before 1990 so the deletion that dir
> does wont find anything to erase.

I think this is based on a misunderstanding of the damage that
the DIR EXEC does.   It never looks at the dates on *files*;
it looks at the current date (via QUERY TIME), and if the last
two digits of the year are greater than 89, it will erase all
files with mode a0 or a1, regardless of the dates on the files.
Changing dates on files will have no effect on how DIR behaves.