[comp.virus] 1813 Virus Info Needed

gademsky@njitx.njit.edu (12/13/89)

I have encountered the virus 1813 here at my school.  Does anyone out
there know anything about this virus.  This was detected using the
Virscan program by IBM.  I think this virus may be related to the
"Friday the 13th" virus.  Any comment out there.  Please post in the
news group since some people may be interested.  Thanks


CHESS@YKTVMV.BITNET (David.M..Chess) (12/14/89)

The 1813 virus is the same virus that is commonly called "the
Jerusalem virus".  It is the most widespread of a number that
activate on Friday the 13th, so it's sometimes called the
"Friday the 13th" virus.   That's not a very good name, though,
since there's more than one virus that it fits.   Stick with
"1813" or "Jerusalem"!   *8)              DC