[comp.virus] Gatekeeper Aid 1.0 Released

chrisj@cs.utexas.edu (Chris Johnson) (12/15/89)

Gatekeeper Aid 1.0 of 13-Dec-89
by Chris Johnson (c) 1989

Gatekeeper Aid is a supplement to version 1.1.1 of the Gatekeeper
Anti-Virus System.  Gatekeeper Aid is a new component designed to
locate and remove the WDEF viruses that have recently appeared
and which are not hindered by Gatekeeper's existing security
system.  Gatekeeper Aid also checks for possible future variants
of WDEF.

Gatekeeper Aid automatically checks files as they are used for
the presence of specific viruses and, if viruses are found, it
removes them.  Like Gatekeeper, Gatekeeper Aid runs continuously
without the attention (and usually without the awareness) of the

Unlike Gatekeeper, Gatekeeper Aid requires no configuration by
the user -- it's objectives are specific enough that there's
simply no need for configuration at this point.

Although Gatekeeper Aid is designed to supplement Gatekeeper,
it does not require that Gatekeeper be present in order to

Gatekeeper Aid has been posted to comp.binaries.mac, and is
immediately available for anonymous ftp from ix1.cc.texas.edu
and ix2.cc.utexas.edu.  You'll find it (and Disinfectant 1.5)
in the ~microlib/mac/virus directory.

The IP addresses of ix1 and ix2 are, respectively,

Gatekeeper Aid will should be available from sumex and simtel
in the near future.

- ----Chris Johnson
- ----Author of Gatekeeper
- ----chrisj@emx.utexas.edu