[comp.virus] Virus Scare & Backups

CS117341@YUSOL.BITNET (Norman) (01/09/90)

> However, I really think that there was a major benefit to all of this [media
> hype over virus scare]
> ...
>The Oct 13 scare made our users [...]FINALLY listen to our pleadings
>to make backup copies of their software and data.

Interesting...where I work (NOT York U, by the way), we had just the
opposite happen.  Since there was no apparent danger from the virus,
there's obviously no need for backups.  This belief is somehow
supported by the fact that all 300+ computers in our building and
remote offices survived the scare. (I won't mention the belief by some
that the virus affected IBM labelled computers ONLY).

And no amount of pleas or lecturing will get them to change.  The only
thing that seems to have an affect is when somebody drops a PC and
trashes a hard disk in the process (and believe me, it's happened more
than once).

cs117341@yusol.Bitnet                    cs117341@sol.YorkU.CA

Not connected to York U (I'm just a student). Standard disclaimers apply.