[comp.virus] Bulgarian viruses

T762102@DM0LRZ01.BITNET (01/17/90)

                             Hello, everybody!

I am a computer virus expert from the Eastern block. My name is
Vesselin Vladimirov Bontchev and I live in Bulgaria. I have some
problems with the English language, so *please* excuse my mistakes.
Currently I am private for two months in Munich and for the first time
in my life I have access to an e-mail system. It is really wonderful!

The computer virus situation in our country is completely different.
We do not have too many kinds of viruses -- about 10-12 for IBM
PC/XT/AT and compatibles only -- but they are *very* widely spread.
One can find them just everywhere -- not only in high schools and
computer clubs.  The main reason is that literally no one takes
particularly care to prevent the infection and to exterminate the
viruses.  Another main reason is that the level of software piracy in
our country is very high -- there is no copyright law there.  I wrote
some antivirus programs which I am distributing freely and they are
widely used -- but of course, one cannot defeat alone the virus

If someone is interested, I am able to supply detailed information
about the viruses "made in Bulgaria":
        - Dark Avenger
        - VACSINA
        - Yankee Doodle
(In fact, the last two are different versions of a single virus -- and
I know very well the person who created them.)

As far as I know, these viruses are already spread in the Western
countries. There are also other "Bulgarian" viruses:
        - V651
        - V512
        - V2000

I can also supply information about them. If they have already spread
outside Bulgaria, please let me know.

The other viruses which are spread in our country are:
        - VHP-648 (Vienna)
        - Bouncing Ball (Italian, Turin)
        - V1813 (Israeli, Jerusalem, Friday 13th)
        - V1701/V1704 (Cascade, Autumn, Falling letters)
but they are too well known, so I do not think that someone will need
information about them.
