[comp.virus] Morris stands trial

chidsey@smoke.brl.mil (Irving Chidsey) (01/17/90)

damon@umbc2.umbc.edu (Damon Kelley; (RJE)) writes:

<Isn't a "jury of his peers" called for here?
<	She said that the trial would be more impartial if the jury is
<composed of non-tech persons.  Comments?

	There are two kinds of challanges, For Cause and Peremptory.
Each side gets an unlimited ( I think ) number of challanges for cause
and a moderate number of peremptory, just because, challenges.  The
defense gets more of the latter.  Both sides were probably afraid of
computer knowledgeble jurors because they know something about
computers.  Neither side wants experts on the jury, they are too hard
to sway and lawyers prefer pliable jurors who can be convinced by

	I just finished a term as juror.  Got on one case, was
excluded from several others.  The cute blond prosecuting attorney
that turned me down was out of her mind :-).


I do not have signature authority.  I am not authorized to sign anything.
I am not authorized to commit the BRL, the DOA, the DOD, or the US Government
to anything, not even by implication.
			Irving L. Chidsey  <chidsey@brl.mil>