jkolasa@ms.uky.edu (James Kolasa) (02/03/90)
I've been having some problems with some PC's at the college where I teach. The evidence points to a virus. Someone from IBM ran a virus scanner on a couple PC's and got the following message: Found signature in (master boot record of drive 80) at offset 21 (15H): 1E5080FC02721780FC047312AD2750E33C08ED8A03F04A8017503E80700 A boot record of this disk may be infected with the Stoned virus. Does "Stoned virus" ring a bell with anyone. Could someone give me some backgroud info? References to past messages will be appreciated also. Thanx, jk - -- - -- James Kolasa | "Computers are so naughty, -- - -- 121 Moloney, L.C.C. | I could just pinch them" -- - -- Lexington, Ky. 40506-0235 | -The Martian -- - -- jkolasa@ms.uky.edu {rutgers,uunet}!ukma!jkolasa jkolasa@UKMA.BITNET --