[comp.virus] Safety of Boot Disk

David_Conrad%Wayne-MTS@um.cc.umich.edu (02/22/90)

frisk@rhi.hi.is (Fridrik Skulason) writes:
>...the computer is first booted from a non-infected diskette, but
>how can one be sure that...the diskette was not infected?

At present, of course, the only way is to keep a backup of the operating
system release diskettes, and to pray that the makers of the OS are not
infected.  I hope the major (and minor, for that matter) OS publishers
use the very newest and best virus protection softward available.
If they don't, then God help us!  Perhaps the virus protection people
will eventually come out with a bootable (no DOS required) virus checker!
David R. Conrad              BITNET: dconrad%wayne-mts@um.cc.umich.edu
Disclaimer: Hey, wait a minute!  These aren't my opinions!
"If anything can go wrong, then it probably already has."