[comp.virus] Introduction to the anti-viral archives

jwright@atanasoff.cs.iastate.edu (Jim Wright) (06/22/89)

# Introduction to the Anti-viral archives...
# Listing of 22 June 1989

This posting is the introduction to the "official" anti-viral archives
of virus-l/comp.virus.  With the generous cooperation of many sites
throughout the world, we are attempting to make available to all the
most recent news and programs for dealing with the virus problem.
Currently we have sites for Amiga, Apple II, Atari ST, IBMPC and
Macintosh microcomputers, as well as sites carrying research papers
and reports of general interest.  We don't yet have a site dedicated
to the "big boys", but are on the look.  There have been nibbles.

If you have general questions regarding the archives, you can send
them to this list or to me.  I'll do my best to help.  If you have
an archive site and would like to volunteer your site (and are in
a position to do so! :-), send me a message.  Also, if you have a
submission for the archives, you can send it to me or to one of the
persons in charge of the relevant sites.

With this update I'd like to welcome two new sites.  Mac folks
probably are already familiar with sumex.  Now it has been granted
"official" status.  :-)  Another new site is unm, which provides
ethics related papers (university policies, state laws, etc.).
Give it a look!

If you have any corrections to the lists, please let me know.

- --
Jim Wright

jwright@atanasoff.cs.iastate.edu (Jim Wright) (09/08/89)

# Introduction to the Anti-viral archives...
# Listing of 06 September 1989

This posting is the introduction to the "official" anti-viral archives
of virus-l/comp.virus.  With the generous cooperation of many sites
throughout the world, we are attempting to make available to all
the most recent news and programs for dealing with the virus problem.
Currently we have sites for Amiga, Apple II, Atari ST, IBMPC and
Macintosh microcomputers, as well as sites carrying research papers
and reports of general interest.

We are also in the process of organizing a number of sites for Unix
anti-viral and general security issues.  More information on that
as things progress.

If you have general questions regarding the archives, you can send
them to this list or to me.  I'll do my best to help.  If you have a
submission for the archives, you can send it to me or to one of the
persons in charge of the relevant sites.

If you have any corrections to the lists, please let me know.

jwright@atanasoff.cs.iastate.edu (Jim Wright) (09/30/89)

# Introduction to the Anti-viral archives...
# Listing of 30 September 1989

This posting is the introduction to the "official" anti-viral archives
of virus-l/comp.virus.  With the generous cooperation of many sites
throughout the world, we are attempting to make available to all
the most recent news and programs for dealing with the virus problem.
Currently we have sites for Amiga, Apple II, Atari ST, IBMPC, Macintosh
and Unix computers, as well as sites carrying research papers and
reports of general interest.

If you have general questions regarding the archives, you can send
them to this list or to me.  I'll do my best to help.  If you have a
submission for the archives, you can send it to me or to one of the
persons in charge of the relevant sites.

If you have any corrections to the lists, please let me know.

jwright@atanasoff.cs.iastate.edu (Jim Wright) (11/30/89)

# Introduction to the Anti-viral archives...
# Listing of 29 November 1989

This posting is the introduction to the "official" anti-viral archives
of virus-l/comp.virus.  With the generous cooperation of many sites
throughout the world, we are attempting to make available to all
the most recent news and programs for dealing with the virus problem.
Currently we have sites for Amiga, Apple II, Atari ST, IBMPC, Macintosh
and Unix computers, as well as sites carrying research papers and
reports of general interest.

If you have general questions regarding the archives, you can send
them to this list or to me.  I'll do my best to help.  If you have a
submission for the archives, you can send it to me or to one of the
persons in charge of the relevant sites.

If you have any corrections to the lists, please let me know.


==== cruft for the lawyers ====

The files contained on the participating archive sites are provided freely
on an as-is basis.

To the best of our knowledge, all files contained in the archives are either
Public Domain, Freely Redistributable, or Shareware.  If you know of one
that is not, please drop us a line and let us know.  Reports of corrupt
files are also welcome.

The Managers of these systems, and the Maintainers of the archives, CAN NOT
and DO NOT guarantee any of these applications for any purpose.  All possible
precautions have been taken to assure you of a safe repository of useful
tools.  Unfortunately, in this day and age nothing is certain.  It is awful
that these people have to worry about legalities when they are only trying
to provide a free and useful service.


jwright@atanasoff.cs.iastate.edu (Jim Wright) (01/04/90)

# Introduction to the Anti-viral archives...
# Listing of 03 January 1990

This posting is the introduction to the "official" anti-viral archives
of VIRUS-L/comp.virus.  With the generous cooperation of many sites
throughout the world, we are attempting to make available to all
the most recent news and programs for dealing with the virus problem.
Currently we have sites for Amiga, Apple II, Atari ST, IBMPC, Macintosh
and Unix computers, as well as sites carrying research papers and
reports of general interest.

If you have general questions regarding the archives, you can send
them to this list or to me.  I'll do my best to help.  If you have a
submission for the archives, you can send it to me or to one of the
persons in charge of the relevant sites.

If you have any corrections to the lists, please let me know.

The files contained on the participating archive sites are provided freely
on an as-is basis.

To the best of our knowledge, all files contained in the archives are either
Public Domain, Freely Redistributable, or Shareware.  If you know of one
that is not, please drop us a line and let us know.  Reports of corrupt
files are also welcome.

The Managers of these systems, and the Maintainers of the archives, CAN NOT
and DO NOT guarantee any of these applications for any purpose.  All possible
precautions have been taken to assure you of a safe repository of useful

- --
Jim Wright

jwright@atanasoff.cs.iastate.edu (Jim Wright) (03/05/90)

# Introduction to the Anti-viral archives...
# Listing of 04 March 1990

This posting is the introduction to the "official" anti-viral archives
of VIRUS-L/comp.virus.  With the generous cooperation of many sites
throughout the world, we are attempting to make available to all
the most recent news and programs for dealing with the virus problem.
Currently we have sites for Amiga, Apple II, Atari ST, IBMPC, Macintosh
and Unix computers, as well as sites carrying research papers and
reports of general interest.

If you have general questions regarding the archives, you can send
them to this list or to me.  I'll do my best to help.  If you have a
submission for the archives, you can send it to me or to one of the
persons in charge of the relevant sites.

If you have any corrections to the lists, please let me know.

The files contained on the participating archive sites are provided freely
on an as-is basis.

To the best of our knowledge, all files contained in the archives are either
Public Domain, Freely Redistributable, or Shareware.  If you know of one
that is not, please drop us a line and let us know.  Reports of corrupt
files are also welcome.

The Managers of these systems, and the Maintainers of the archives, CAN NOT
and DO NOT guarantee any of these applications for any purpose.  All possible
precautions have been taken to assure you of a safe repository of useful

A side note...  This will be my last archive site list sent out from
Iowa State University.  In about a week I will be moving to Hawaii to
take up a new job.  I'd like to thank ISU's Computer Science Department
for allowing me to use their facilities in setting up comp.virus and
the anti-viral archives.  I hope to have access to the net from my new
job.  See you in a month!

Jim Wright

[Ed. Good luck on the new job, Jim!  Your efforts here have always
been greatly appreciated by many!  Give my regards to Maui and Kauai.

Until Jim is back on-line, if anyone has administrative changes to
make to the archive sites, please contact me, and I'll update this